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Everything posted by OnlyonePS

  1. Thanks for the quick response In the meantime I got a solution and redownloaded the game once and created a new directory using the Installer.exe. Here the updater did its job correctly. I guess there was a faulty file in the first folder. I just got into the main menu without any problems and I'm already very hyped =) Greetings from Austria
  2. I read the problem on another thread but it solved itself there now I wanted to ask if there is already any information about it or maybe any help. =? Old Thread Post: Is the updater supposed to say you're using wrong version so soon? from November 24,2020 when i run the updater as admin it goes from 0-106 and than tells me that in german der zugriff auf den pfad C:/Battleforge/SkylordsReborn.exe wurde verweigert may u can help me the only difference for me is 0-2
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