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Posts posted by Avendros

  1. Hello dear Devs,

    I've encountered the following bug in an RPvE Match just now (It is possible that it is intended, althought i doubt it? If so, please correct me and or delete this.)

    When a Creature under the effects of one or several buffs from the "Wheel of Gifts" is "disenchanted" e.g. has his buffs remove, they don't return once the "disenchant" timer expires.
    It is unclear to me wether this works with the "disenchant" player card, i simply recognized the icon of the debuff on one of my units.

    The RPvE Match was vs Lost Units, so i assume that one of their non-player units or buildings creates this kind of effect.  Every unit affected by this did not only loose the "Wheel of Gifts" benefical effects for the duration, but infinitely after aswell. If a new "Wheel of Gifts" building is placed and activated, they do recieve the corresponding effect again. Also, it is definitely not just a visual bug, because it can be clearly observed that the affected units to not benefit from the "regeneration" effect any more.

    The bug was observed only in a single match so far (I've attached the logs as instructed in the template bug report you provided), on two different unit types from two different players. I assume this is independant of the type of unit, but just for completion sake the units were "Abomination" and "Gemeye".

    My guess is that the effects of "Wheel of Gifts" are not constantly renewed, but only applied once on spawn of units and activation of the building, so once removed by any effect, they are not refreshed. Otherwise it's a weird interaction from those non-player "disenchant" effect.

    It was hard to tell which unit or building was responsible for this, but it might have been a unit with a model of the  "Lost" variation of the "firedancer"? But this is just a wild guess.

    On a priority scale i would consider this somewhat 'medium' severity, since it is in no way game-breaking, but on the highest difficulty of RPvE Maps being unable to have units benefit from the popular "Wheel of Gifts" for the rest of the match might make the difference between a win and a loss and is definitely unpleasant to notice.

    Good luck on figuring out how this can happen, i hope i was able to provide some help to the solution of this and at least make someone aware of this issue if nothing else.

    We all here appreciate the efforts you put into this game and you're doing great work :)

    P.S: Feel free to contact me if i failed to clear up anything or you require other files.



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