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Posts posted by Stormking

  1. I tried using the lutris installer, but it fails at setting up dxvk



    Started initial process 74580 from /home/ineluki/.local/share/lutris/runtime/winetricks/winetricks --unattended d9vk
    Start monitoring process.
    Executing mkdir -p /media/ineluki/ssd1/Lutris
    Using winetricks 20210206-next - sha256sum: 87dabceee91cbb4c58928d3ddeee57449e591df1b1e7f6011b2eec80e5047eda with wine-6.21.r0.g63c3baa9 ( TkG Staging Esync Fsync ) and WINEARCH=win32
    Unknown arg d9vk
    Usage: /home/ineluki/.local/share/lutris/runtime/winetricks/winetricks [options] [command|verb|path-to-verb] ...
    Executes given verbs.  Each verb installs an application or changes a setting.

        --country=CC      Set country code to CC and don't detect your IP address
    -f, --force           Don't check whether packages were already installed
        --gui             Show gui diagnostics even when driven by commandline
        --isolate         Install each app or game in its own bottle (WINEPREFIX)
        --self-update     Update this application to the last version
        --update-rollback Rollback the last self update
    -k, --keep_isos       Cache isos (allows later installation without disc)
        --no-clean        Don't delete temp directories (useful during debugging)
    -q, --unattended      Don't ask any questions, just install automatically
    -r, --ddrescue        Retry hard when caching scratched discs
    -t  --torify          Run downloads under torify, if available
        --verify          Run (automated) GUI tests for verbs, if available
    -v, --verbose         Echo all commands as they are executed
    -h, --help            Display this message and exit
    -V, --version         Display version and exit

    list                  list categories
    list-all              list all categories and their verbs
    apps list             list verbs in category 'applications'
    benchmarks list       list verbs in category 'benchmarks'
    dlls list             list verbs in category 'dlls'
    fonts list            list verbs in category 'fonts'
    games list            list verbs in category 'games'
    settings list         list verbs in category 'settings'
    list-cached           list cached-and-ready-to-install verbs
    list-download         list verbs which download automatically
    list-manual-download  list verbs which download with some help from the user
    list-installed        list already-installed verbs
    arch=32|64            create wineprefix with 32 or 64 bit, this option must be
                          given before prefix=foobar and will not work in case of
                          the default wineprefix.
    prefix=foobar         select WINEPREFIX=/home/ineluki/.local/share/wineprefixes/foobar
    Monitored process exited.
    Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
    Exit with return code 256


    Running on kubuntu 20.04, amdgpu, 5.4.0-91-generic

    Any idea how this could be fixed? I usually just run most games through steam/proton.

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