I would like to give some feedback as well.
In total i assume i spend about 3-5 hours attempting to log in into the game.
As far i can tell from my subjective perception i am able to get pass the "Too many users on the server!" notification about once every 6-8th attempt.
After that the "Client disconected from the Server" Problem occured about every 5th attempt. (Once i reached this point i usually never had the "Too many users on the Server!" problem with only some exeptions this evening).
After finally making it into the game it usually works fine to a certain point.
It is possible to chat with other players (only had one out of 4/5 cases where messages i sent wouldn't arrive in chat) and testing/adjusting your deck in the forge is possible without loosing connection.
Bigger problems occur when I try to start a pve/pvp match.
- In about 10 attempts in total i was able to play 1 pve single player map (No problems ingame and during the loot system afterwards).
- 1 attempt i was able to start the tutorial map, however i got an error message that my Launcher.exe failed (The map loaded and i was able to move the camera, but unable to do anything)
- 2 attempts i was able to get to the loading screen of a pve map but lost connection in the process
- the other attempts i lost connection either by attemping to start/or picking the map (pvp and pve)
I hope i could provide some usefull information. Please keep up the good work!