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Ladies & Gentlemen, FarRock Here


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Hi old friends!

I run a tech startup now and I was telling my team how EA allowed you guys to work on this codebase and how you actually pulled it off. They were blown away. We're impressed!

Sadly, I don't have a minute to work on this game but I'm VERY tempted to come back and start playing every now and again.

As I was looking through this site I noticed WindHunter & Wolven my old buddies from WAAAAY back on here. And RadicalX is still here? Very cool!


Trivia! Do you know the xNTx from my username can from Wolven? Tell them bud! My original account was just FarRock. He convinced me to join his PVE clan.


Anyhow, life updates:

  • Four kids, bought a house
  • Run a career coaching business
  • Have a YouTube channel for career coaching
  • Wrote a book for entry level professionals in finance
  • Run a tech startup. We're going live in a month and then will be raising for our first public round, so that's super exciting!


How have you all been? Excited to catch up! Any other old buddies of mine here? MaranV still around?


EDIT: Just checked out that video I posted 4 years ago. Wow so many of you really wanted me to come back. Makes me nostalgic. I'm gonna download!

Love y'all,


Edited by FarRockBF
Zyna, Deadman, Loriens and 7 others like this
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2 hours ago, FarRockBF said:

Hi old friends!

I run a tech startup now and I was telling my team how EA allowed you guys to work on this codebase and how you actually pulled it off. They were blown away. We're impressed!

Sadly, I don't have a minute to work on this game but I'm VERY tempted to come back and start playing every now and again.

As I was looking through this site I noticed WindHunter & Wolven my old buddies from WAAAAY back on here. And RadicalX is still here? Very cool!


Trivia! Do you know the xNTx from my username can from Wolven? Tell them bud! My original account was just FarRock. He convinced me to join his PVE clan.


Anyhow, life updates:

  • Four kids, bought a house
  • Run a career coaching business
  • Have a YouTube channel for career coaching
  • Wrote a book for entry level professionals in finance
  • Run a tech startup. We're going live in a month and then will be raising for our first public round, so that's super exciting!


How have you all been? Excited to catch up! Any other old buddies of mine here? MaranV still around?


EDIT: Just checked out that video I posted 4 years ago. Wow so many of you really wanted me to come back. Makes me nostalgic. I'm gonna download!

Love y'all,


OMG! He is alive!

Did you check out the 2 year anniversary video yet? It recaps the time since release very well 🙂

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2 hours ago, FarRockBF said:

Hi old friends!

I run a tech startup now and I was telling my team how EA allowed you guys to work on this codebase and how you actually pulled it off. They were blown away. We're impressed!

Sadly, I don't have a minute to work on this game but I'm VERY tempted to come back and start playing every now and again.

As I was looking through this site I noticed WindHunter & Wolven my old buddies from WAAAAY back on here. And RadicalX is still here? Very cool!


Trivia! Do you know the xNTx from my username can from Wolven? Tell them bud! My original account was just FarRock. He convinced me to join his PVE clan.


Anyhow, life updates:

  • Four kids, bought a house
  • Run a career coaching business
  • Have a YouTube channel for career coaching
  • Wrote a book for entry level professionals in finance
  • Run a tech startup. We're going live in a month and then will be raising for our first public round, so that's super exciting!


How have you all been? Excited to catch up! Any other old buddies of mine here? MaranV still around?


EDIT: Just checked out that video I posted 4 years ago. Wow so many of you really wanted me to come back. Makes me nostalgic. I'm gonna download!

Love y'all,


Hello brother - BoxIngJester (in-game name) here (you for sure dont remember me) - im still watchin your videos after so many years , goin to sleep with your replays - i swear for sure im your biggest fan out there , literally im hyped out as fuck hearing youll come back !!!!! as only PvP player - there are no better news than this one - we will wait for you sir - i even thought sir Eirias , who is keeping your legacy up to date that actually is you , but i was wrong ofc hahah - that post made my night ! Tho MaranV was the dude who brought me into pvp basics back in the day , sadly he is not around anymore , tho i have his original deck built up , keeping his legacy alive ! :D 

Edited by 4esan4o95
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