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CCC #4 - Mo Card Count - UNTIL 11. MAY 2022


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6 hours ago, Bozzah said:

if anyone posts a run with 1 point I will give that person 4x banzai lord green šŸ˜„Ā 

Not sure if this is a joke or an official sponsoring offer šŸ˜‰

If you want, I can add you to the list of sponsors as a "Bounty" Type if someone makes it.

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1 hour ago, Lans said:

Umm... I don't think I am one offering for the additional challenge? šŸ™‚Ā Maybe down the road and I have hosted an event in the old days but at this point, I don't feel ready for it yet. I wonder if @BozzahĀ would be willing to entertain one card challenge and the person with the lowest point wins (or number of Banzai Lord [G] won is inversely proportional to number of points, up to 4 to be awarded in total)? šŸ™‚

heh I will try to think of something funny and then I can toss in a decent reward for a challenge on its ownĀ šŸ˜‰Ā those 4 banzai lords were just a fun bet for Kapo's CCC šŸ˜„Ā 

10 minutes ago, Kapo said:

Not sure if this is a joke or an official sponsoring offer šŸ˜‰

If you want, I can add you to the list of sponsors as a "Bounty" Type if someone makes it.

it's a bet, and I raise it to 8 Banzai Lords G šŸ™‚Ā I am convinced that a 1 point run is impossible. If someone proves me wrong then I will for sure enjoy that replay šŸ˜„Ā 


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3 minutes ago, Bozzah said:

heh I will try to think of something funny and then I can toss in a decent reward for a challenge on its ownĀ šŸ˜‰Ā those 4 banzai lords were just a fun bet for Kapo's CCC šŸ˜„Ā 

it's a bet, and I raise it to 8 Banzai Lords G šŸ™‚Ā I am convinced that a 1 point run is impossible. If someone proves me wrong then I will for sure enjoy that replay šŸ˜„Ā 


Then I add it as a Bounty to the article, sometimes people dont read the comments... maybe it motivates even further šŸ˜ƒ

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I tried twice with a deck of 10 points, Shaman, mark of keeper, fire stalker, swamp drake, treefiend, t3 healing spell and t4 healing spell, well i didn't get to t4, but i'm not good enough to win with this deck, if any one can that would be cool, i'm not sure if its possible tbh.Ā 

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The video Dutchy posted recently for this map in media section of forumĀ definitely uses deck with over 10 points (so you'll need to do a bit of work yourself) but it finished map without T4. šŸ™‚


I definitely recommend watching that video (or other videos focused on utilizing Mo) as it helped me a lot in doing this event.



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Hast anyone managed to do a 2 or 3 point run? I have done a 4 point and could see 3 working... 2 might be possible but really hard... I just don't see 1 point...

Anyways, it was fun, as always, thanks and good luck to everyone!

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5 hours ago, General_Thugdil said:

Hast anyone managed to do a 2 or 3 point run? I have done a 4 point and could see 3 working... 2 might be possible but really hard... I just don't see 1 point...

Anyways, it was fun, as always, thanks and good luck to everyone!

Yeah I am wondering and waiting for the reveal to know. Yeah I think the 1 point challenge is too harsh/impossible myself. I still don't see it with relaxation to 1 card... We only have to wait another day for event to end then probably some "processing time". :hype:Ā to find out...

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23 hours ago, General_Thugdil said:

Hast anyone managed to do a 2 or 3 point run? I have done a 4 point and could see 3 working... 2 might be possible but really hard... I just don't see 1 point...

Anyways, it was fun, as always, thanks and good luck to everyone!

Finished mine with 3 Points andĀ I can see 2 Points working but being extremly tedious, but 1 Point .....?! Nah, donĀ“t think it will work, since you need the burst or CC at the end, but your Point is spent on the T1 Unit to control mo

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Yeah i ended with a 3 point run aswell i tried around with 2 point runs, and i proly found one that would work, with some rng luck but i really didnt have the motivation to grind for it after i lost one of them with 300 hp left on the last ship. cant see 1 point to ever work tho.Ā 

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3 hours ago, Acid320 said:

Finished mine with 3 Points andĀ I can see 2 Points working but being extremly tedious, but 1 Point .....?! Nah, donĀ“t think it will work, since you need the burst or CC at the end, but your Point is spent on the T1 Unit to control mo

How about a controversial idea of having just "Skeleton Warriors" as a bait wherever Mo goes?

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2 hours ago, Krogulec said:

How about a controversial idea of having just "Skeleton Warriors" as a bait wherever Mo goes?

DonĀ“t think the 30% damage reduction on them will be enough, especially towards the end (navigatingĀ among the Birdies will also be very very annoying since you canĀ“t take them out).Ā If someome pulls it off, then hats off.

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Hello again Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; it's time to announce the winners!Ā Ā 

First of all, Iā€™d like to thank everyone for making the Crappy Community Contest #4 happen ā€“ no matter in what way: participation, sponsoring prizes, spreading the word or helping me to organize it.Ā 

In total, we reached a total number of 48 participants ā€“ thanks to the Skylords Team for sponsoring the code: CCC4-MOMO-MOMO-MOMO

Top Skylords of CCC #4:

1st placeĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  MephistoRoss
2nd place Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Trando
3rd placeĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Mati
4th placeĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Gam3over
5th placeĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Bobisphere
6th place Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Doomdragons
7th place Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  cacolamo
8th place Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Dyr
9th place Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Mocaak
10th place Ā  Ā  Ā  MaertĀ 

They all reached the same score of 2 Points, so the time of the submission was the deciding factor. In all cases the two cards used were a tower for (air) defense activating Mo (Blaster Cannon, Lifestealer, Primal Defender) and an T3-unit for attacking (Swamp Drake, Northland Drake, Lost Horror). The fastest of these submissions was Mocaak with a time of 27m43s.

Winners of the Random Draws:

Draw 1Ā  Ā  Ā  Reverend830 Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Enlightenment
Draw 2Ā  Ā  Ā  PonniĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Enlightenment
Draw 3Ā  Ā  Ā  RipHunter Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Infect
Draw 4Ā  Ā  Ā  Endan Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Avatar of Frost
Draw 5Ā  Ā  Ā  CuriousnTTĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  Disenchant (G)
Draw 6Ā  Ā  Ā  General_Thugdil Ā Ā  Amii Monument

Draws 7-11 for a Bandit Booster each: erks, Vornskr666, Eirias, hauclir and Blaragha

Furthermore, the bounty for the 1-card-run (that wasn't claimed) go to the best placed Skylords who didn't receive anything.

One Banzai Lord (G) each: Kuuhaku, Ultor, Brand, AhRiMaN_MK,Ā  Midra, XxBlueFirexX, Stachino and Wanky.Ā 

I will send you the prizes as soon as possible through in-game mail.Ā 

Number of Entries vs Points



I posted the replays below: click here.

In conclusion

I think we reached a respectable amount of participants for a one-week challenge, and I received a lot of positive feedback for mixing things up and trying to come up with something new. Since different kinds of challenges and rules appeal to different Skylords, Iā€™m happy to see new names in the list of the Top 10. So, thanks again to all who took part in this contest, and a special thanks to the sponsors: @Simplifying, @Odessa, @Donaar, @Kemek, @Bozzah and the Skylords Reborn Team.

CCC #5 has already been discussed with the Event Managers, and will be more towards a fast and easy challenge again.

If you have a crappy idea for future CCC's you may share and discuss that with me, maybe you can host your own Crappy Contest! Feel free to contact me anytime. If you want to discuss or host a non-crappy contest, contact our Event Managers Minashigo Hiko and/or Metagross31. They are super supportive and will help you to organize your event!

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Just now, Metagross31 said:

Very nice, congrats to the winners!
I am a bit surprised, that noone got a 1 point run.
Btw: Who won the Juicetanks for the last place?

You snatched it away from another Skylord last minute... and... you exactly know that šŸ˜‰

I didn't add that information because I usually don't shame last places haha

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19 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

I am a bit surprised, that noone got a 1 point run.

Not really... You need 1 point (a T1 unit or building) to gain control of Mo/ground presence for map. I was wondering if other better/more creative players could pull it off but it always felt pretty hard. It would be more surprising/amazing if someone managed 1 point (I still think 1 card, any rarity T1 card and not just common T1 card is still impossible).


Geez, I should had tried a little harder seeing it wasn't that bad for 2 point/cards (could see it but felt it would take too long but even that wasn't true)... Anyways congrats and yeah, definitely liking the non-time change up. šŸ™‚

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20 minutes ago, ThomasMann said:

Wait, you could beat this map with two points, two cards, wtf I'm just really bad.Ā 

I need some stuff my level.Ā 

Its not really about being good or bad at the game, it also was some Test of Tenacity. If you put your mind to the task, this challenge is doable.

Here are the Replays of the Top 5 winners:

CCC4_2_Bobishere.pmv CCC4_2_Gam3over.pmv CCC4_2_Mati.pmv CCC4_2_MephistoRoss.pmv CCC4_2_Trando.pmv

I also just sent out all prices.

This concludes all business concerning the Crappy Community Contest #4.

Edited by Kapo
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Thank you Kapo for this fun contest and for the detailed summary!

If I should ever get kicked out of a team again for having a "too weak" deck to play on expert, I will simply send them my replay of my D12 (two common cards)Ā Mo expert run šŸ˜„.

Upwards and onwards! :hypetrain:Ā šŸ†Ā 

Edited by Doomdragons
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Fun event and nice idea, but I really dislike that tiebreakers were decided by submission time šŸ˜•

This gives such a huge advantage to players who know about the event beforehand, and heavily penalizes people who don't have the availability to play every day.

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I also liked the challenge and honestly I was a bit surprised to be #1. Thanks for organizing it!

I like that it was something different than just the fastest time with some conditions. Feedback for a similar event in the future could be to announce part of the event a few days priorĀ so everybody could mark it in their calendar and prepare a bit (but keep some details hidden until start so players cant fully execute it already). Or maybe useĀ a different tiebreaker like the number of total cards played could also work (the replay analyzer tool could help counting).Ā 

p.s. in case anyone was wondering, I had no prior knowledge ofĀ this event.Ā 

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The event was announced, without details, via the calendar on the forum a couple weeks prior. Kapo also made 24 hours beforeĀ revealing the event a post on the discord telling everyone that this event will be decided on whoever sends in their run first in case of a tie breaker.Ā 

I do however agree that this is not the most optimal way to decide a winner, especially when the event starts in the middle of the week. A lot of players play only in the weekend, or are a sleep (time-zones) for the first couple of hours when the event is reveals and because of that at a disadvantage. Of course it is impossible to please everyone, but releasing it at a Saturday, or Friday evening, would be the most "fair".

Overall I think this event was perfectly executed. From the announcement, to theĀ in-game advertising everyday, to giving out the rewards within 24 hours of the event deadline. All the praise to Kapo for this.Ā Great job!

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