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I was thinking about increasing the population limit in order to attend to make viable squad (men battalions) builds because there are many intresting squad units that are not being played for obviouse reasons and i woulds like to see them being viable in game and not just being played by beginners for a short ammount of time. I'm sure there are many other ways of making squads more viable but I think increasing the pop cap maybe just for them is worth a try.

What do you think?

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Like small units are knocked back very easily and there is a limit of units that can attack a single entity at once in melee, for that reasons they are not viable in t3 or t4 even in t2 in some cases. So the easiest thing to do is to increase the cap so that you could bring hordes of men. For example, frost and bandits have a a few small units that are almost never played. For shadow it would be cool to bring a swarm of undeads also.

I have never had problems with the cap also when playing as usual but when I have tryed to bring almost only small units I came by this limitation

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