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Community map Challenge #3: "King's Ridge" until May 31 2021

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Short update:
I increased the total prize fund for the silver challenge by a bit, especially boosting the prizes for ranks 3-10.
I also plan to increase the prize pool for the gold challenge, once I grinded some more money :)

Also increased the Gold challenge prizes a little.

Edited by Metagross31
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Haha i give up 90% of my game crashes and i don't know why. Always happens so randomly and i can't find a pattern to it


Only happens when i play King's Ridge

Edited by KserSke
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I have added a first list of times submitted so far. As you can see, these are not that many yet! So if you are planning on participating, please send me your preliminary times (you do not need to send the replay yet!), so I can add them to the list. Also, this could mean, that some of the prizes are low hanging fruit ready for you to grap! So feel encouraged to get some runs in, even if they do not appear to be fast.

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9 hours ago, KserSke said:

Haha i give up 90% of my game crashes and i don't know why. Always happens so randomly and i can't find a pattern to it


Only happens when i play King's Ridge

Save replay once, and if u have the error medsage, we should be figured out what actually happens

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11 hours ago, wanky said:

Save replay once, and if u have the error medsage, we should be figured out what actually happens

I can't save a replay when the game crashes. autosave only works after i successfully completed the match to post game statistics

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3 minutes ago, LEBOVIN said:

Is there something u always do, does it crash at always the same sequence etc. ? Any patterns u notice


Nope it seems to be completely random. Happened at the start of the game ~5mins , Mid game as well 10~15 mins and late game ~25-35mins

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6 hours ago, KserSke said:

Nope it seems to be completely random. Happened at the start of the game ~5mins , Mid game as well 10~15 mins and late game ~25-35mins

sonds like u have trouble with the map file. Maby Delet it from your folders once, and Redownload them ingame. leme know if this works. 

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On 5/27/2021 at 2:26 AM, wanky said:

sonds like u have trouble with the map file. Maby Delet it from your folders once, and Redownload them ingame. leme know if this works. 

This actually helped. No more crashes and i could comfortably play the last 2 days and get some decent runs

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6 hours ago, Dallarian said:

<sad failure noise>
The map is indeed difficult ^^

there are even harder ones in the community map folder :D, but expext of the beginning (camara movement anoying af) it was a good map. But Tbh i think still needs a little bit rework to get to version 1.0 :)

Edited by wanky
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Dear Skyfolk,
the Challenge has come to an end and I am happy to announce the final rankings:

Gold challenge:
1. Lebovin - 22:21
2. Kserske - 31:28
3. Carofex - 34:13

1. Wanky - 24:43
2. Carofex - 34:22

1. Treim - 19:27
2. Vornskr666 - 27:44
3. Kserske - 32:54
4. Carofex - 34:19

1. Pritstift - 23:07
2. Slyer - 27:05
3. Carofex - 33:50
4. Buttscratch - 34:27
5. Kserske - 34:46
6. Ignoringya - 46:56

Silver challenge:
1. Wanky - 18:44
2. Kserske - 19:51
3. Schnarf - 23:36
4. Vornskr666 - 25:07
5. Slyer - 25:55
6. TurnItUp - 29:19
7. Xamos - 34:48
8. DutchyDutchy - 39:38
9. Jucki - 40:39

Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to all the winners! Also, a big thank you to everyone who helped me in organizing this event!
The winning replays will be presented this friday at 8pm (UTC+2) via twitch. This is also, when the rewards will be distributed. Also, there will be a guest in the stream, who will help analyzing the replays, so look forward to that!

Edited by Metagross31
Carofex, Timer, Toggy and 4 others like this
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12 hours ago, Metagross31 said:

In this post you can find all of the winning replays of the challenge.
Thanks a lot again to everyone who participated and everyone who helped in making this event possible!

Community Challenge Nr3 replays.zip 213.18 kB · 3 downloads

And thank YOU for hosting it :) 

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