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this is a tecnicly very general topic / suggestion to modify cards that are almost never used in gameplay like: 


(examples only) specialy pure color cards of the lower tiers

change examples:

- Energy Parasit can also Drain power from own wells

- Enforcer knock back small units on charge

- Knight of Chaos ability "Chaos" does only apply to enemy units (but duration is lowered)

- White Rangers cannot be knocked of walls while not in home defense


little changes on abbilitys but no changes in hp or dmg

there are many other cards that as played even less and some changes to them might improof as well the amount of it to be used in the diffrent gamemodes 

a mode for slow units to gain normal movementspeed but useing shield hp to do so

"burning"(visual) units slowly deal dmg do enemy frost shields (units that use some kind of fire attack)

(these are all examples of possible effects)

Edited by Asraiel
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