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Skylords Reborn Trivia!


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Greetings Skylords

In light of trying to keep the hype and spirits up, I'm going to host some trivia events ingame! There's no set schedule to this for now, but I'll try to announce ahead of time whenever I have one planned in discord and in this thread. It could however just turn out to be a spontaneous thing whenever I got time. But I need your help too... You can't have a trivia without.... Questions! So I implore you guys to rack your brains, put on your thinking armor and come up with some interesting trivia questions so that we can all have some fun! I think it goes without saying that you should refrain from answering if your own questions come up :)  I have naturally come up with some questions but they are not gonna last long! It will be hard to keep this going by myself ^^

If you guys think of any trivia questions, PLEASE send me a PM on discord/forums. Whatever you do... DONT post them in this thread xD or everyone will know the question (and answer). Keep in mind it should not be overly technical or so obscure that no one could feasibly know the answer. The categories I’ve tried to think of so far are (game knowledge, Lore and unit quotes/map dialog). When in doubt, just send it to me anyway and I'll take a look!

To further lighten the festive mood, I may host some Discord Voice Parties during said trivia games! Feel free to join and have some witty Battleforge related convos! Trivia will be announced ingame at least 15 minutes before the trivia starts.

Now on to some basic rules so there are no confusions.
1) Everyone has only one chance and therefore answer each: Think carefully!
2) Send me the answer through private messaging ingame. Don't post the answer in the public channels. Remember that the less people answer the more chance you have to win that sweet 200 bfp.
3) Typos don't count as correct! If a question has a two part answer, write both parts in 1 line(e.g: Who says ... on which map?Answer: Moon on Soultree)
4) People who haven't won yet will be given priority in prize giving.

5) 3 Answers chosen (100 bfp each) [if multiple people know the answer at the same time]or if no one knows the answer early, 1 answer for bigger prize( 200 BFP)-will be announced when switched, only then everyone will get a second chance.

6) Only full answers are accepted. If the answer is "Windweaver" weaver will not be accepted, similarly for "Cluster Explosion" Cluster will not be accepted.

7) Maximum time per Question is 1 minute. If the time is up, the question will be backlogged for the future and the answer not given. You may use any information available to arrive at your answer.

8) Have Fun!


If you’ve made it here reading, congratulations! Any questions or comments about the event itself can be posted here. (NO TRIVIA QUESTIONS HERE PLEASE :3)

Upcoming Events:
Friday 27.9 16:00 CEST Countdown Timer

Tuesday 1.10 16:30 CEST Countdown Timer

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Well, the last trivia was pretty fun ^^
Here are some suggestions for ones to come.

1) I implore you to enforce the first rule and repeat it before each trivia in game. (Everyone has only one chance and therefore one answer each: Think carefully!)
2) If there are people who repeatedly submit multiple answers or spam just ignore (disqualify) them for the given trivia.
3) Award winners after the trivia not during one, that way you won't have to remember winners, you'll have them written on the paper and won't mistakenly award the same person multiple times.
4) Write the answer to the question before moving on to the next one, especially for lore questions; which could be a great learning experience and not just one word.
5) Don't rush it! Most fun comes from pressure and anticipation, a little stalling could make it much more fun.
6) Don't just pass the question if no one knows it yet. Since we all have just one chance give us some time... A minute or two at least.
7) I think we should be allowed to use all means available to us in game to get the answer, be it trying cards out in the forge, searching for a card in the market, scrolling through our own cards or taking a peek in the lore book, it just makes it that more fun and since we have a restraint on time this won't be a problem.
8) Announce when you're raising the prize for the given question and give us a second chance! ("No correct answers yet, the prize doubles, everyone has a second chance!")


Oh yeah btw, forgot to tell you, Brannoc was not just a blacksmith, he was indeed a smith!

Edited by mastermedo
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