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[PvP] Delete/Change Yrmia/Wazhai from the mappool !? + Random Maps



58 members have voted

  1. 1. Yrmia/Wazhai in ranked?

    • Remove Yrmia
    • Dont remove Yrmia
    • Remove Wazhai
    • Dont remove Wazhai
  2. 2. Random Generated Maps Ranked

    • Yes
    • No

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Hello Skylords,

we all know that Yrmia & Wazhai are not the best balanced map and EA didnt put it out without a reason. (Pure Fire, scorched earth overall mapcontroll, cliff orb -> orb)

So instead of asking me -> start voting for a yrmia or wazhai & ranked random generated maps.

If there are "enough" votes, yrmia or wazhai will delete from the ranked pool or random generated maps can be added to the pool.


Hope we see generated maps again very soon !


Best regards,






Edited by xHighTech
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I already voted for Yrmia (remove it) so i cannot change my vote and vote for Wazhai or generated maps.

I really want generated maps back, they were alot of fun, especially the ones where there is enough room to split up and have awesome t1 fights.

Edited by ImperatorSK
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Already voted for:
-Yrmia (already voted for remove)

Are not able to vote for:
-Wazhai (not 100% sure atm, but i think remove it since Phasetower, Mortar, Cliffing is to strong on this map)
- +1 generated maps
- +1 for Hirooo. Lajesh is really the most unfun map.

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7 minutes ago, ImperatorSK said:

Already voted for:
-Yrmia (already voted for remove)

Are not able to vote for:
-Wazhai (not 100% sure atm, but i think remove it since Phasetower, Mortar, Cliffing is to strong on this map)
- +1 generated maps

Same here. I would vote for: -Wazhai/Yrmia and +random map.

Make nature t1 great again
(and frost too, but who cares?)

Edited by indubitablement
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I voted to remove Yrmia.

+1  bring back random maps

+1 remove Wazhai.


I don't know if it is possible but I'd like to keep Lajesh but remove the walls. They are the entire reason that map is unfun. 

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Why is Yrmia even considered unbalanced? It is arguably the best map in terms of T1 balancing. Fire is good due to many chokepoints for effective Eruptions. Frost is hella strong due to small well distances and 75 extra void for the wall is insanely important for early scaling. Shadow is solid, because there are many paths on the map to allow unit circling and strong split attacks with motivate. Nature has some options to survive the early stage without getting locked out of the map, but probably the worst faction on this map due to its vulnerability against Phasetower. But that is 1 matchup and this is due to phasetower being broken, not due to the map being unbalanced. Frost on Haladur or Uro, Nature vs Phasetower on Whazai, that would be imbalance caused by map issues

The center of the map is not necessary to win the game as there are 7 extra wells easily contestable without going into any danger of getting cliffed. I don't think pure Fire is overpowered here at all (at least in comparison to the strength on other maps). This map even used to be my personal strongest weapon against any pure Fire player in tournaments ...   


For Whazai I could agree onto a removal from the ranked pool as Phasetower is completely busted on this map. 2 Port from main base to wellrange of the enemy with guaranteed map control. This simply forces almost every player to carry a turret in his ranked deck (I mean this may be a strong strategic choice on alot of other maps aswell, but you aren't forced to play turrets every time). Outside of that any sort of cliffing is very powerful on this map and may be abused by pure fire players (even Termite hill can be insanely powerful, when being used on correct positions). A rework for some elements on this map would be nice, because it has alot of interesting potential especially due to a different scaling curve of the void level (the only map with 3 starting wells, but just a few spots to take safe additional power wells), but I' not sure if this will be a possibility in the future. 

Generated maps were fun, not necessarly well balanced, but some of them had alot of interesting strategic elements and it favours different factions dependent on map size and structure (I think nature may end up suffering a little bit, but that's okay). Would be cool to see them back in the ranked pool, because it brings more diversity into games. 


-> Yrmia is more balanced than the majority of the maps in the current pool. Sorry, but the idea of removing it is awful. 

-> Whazai is a fun map, but Phasetower and Cliffing are clearly overpowered here. A removal could be considered

-> Adding generated maps again would be very good from my perspective

Edited by RadicalX
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Honestly it would be best to have some handpicked and well designed community maps in ranked pvp instead of some of the EA maps. Especially layesh and wazahi are poorly thought out an ymria can be a problem (not nearly a bad tho and mostly due to cliffing only) as well. But you can take only so many maps away before ranked gets a little to repetetive and decks can be built to cheese certain maps if the pool is small enough.

In terms of community-maps, well there would need to be some contest first to have properly designed maps to pick from. The focal point should be on playability and not on optics. If anything, it would be possible to have the optics to be improved when picks for new pvp ranked maps were made.

Edited by LagOps
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If you take the right orbs/wells there are no really problems with cliffdancers on Yrmia. There are enough takeable spots. Cant remember a game where i get into really trouble against cliffdancer or something like that.

Wazhai is a bit more tricky, because its not so good to take one of the mid spots, but you need to take sure that the fire player cant reach your start base...If the cliff in front of the start bases cannot used for attacking over it with any unit/tower this map would be fine.

But all in all the most important is that generated maps will be back, because atm sometimes it feels like getting the same map again and again...because there are only 6 different.

Wazhai/Yrmia feels worser than it is atm because you get them so often.

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Isn't Uro also a nightmare for frost? By the time frost get to its first well the other factions have already taken theirs and are attacking frost's starting wells. Even if the opponent doesn't attack, frost is 10-30 power behind. How does frost even attack on this map?


Edited by indubitablement
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3 hours ago, indubitablement said:

Isn't Uro also a nightmare for frost?

Yes! Haladur, Elyon and small, midcentered random maps are tough for frost but Uro is the nightmare! Nature is a strange matchup where i actually liked the map but in the classic matchups versus shadow or fire you are doomed. Even if you get your spot and take a well or an orb (cause you can't win a dazed fight) you will lose against a classic rush or mortar, phasetower or a swift spam. So like already said it would be really good if random maps come back to save frost T1 players from getting Uro too often. Some big random maps are actually really good for the usual frost T1 decks pure frost and stonekin because they like to take a lot of wells in most matchups. Banning Uro? Mhh i would say yes, but only because of my personal disgust for long T3 fights (wich tend to happen a lot on this map) and that's a personal matter. I think except for frost T1 players most people don't have too much of an issue with this map. And frost T1 and mapgamble will stay a problem anyway...

Edited by SunWu II.
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I voted to remove Yrmia. I think the fact that you can cliffdancer EVERY SINGLE AVAILABLE MONUMENT on the map is somewhat broken. I just don't think the map is balanced very well.

I think argueing that Phasetowers are too strong on Wazhai is a commonly accepted fact as well. 

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57 minutes ago, Showaren2 said:

I voted to remove Yrmia. I think the fact that you can cliffdancer EVERY SINGLE AVAILABLE MONUMENT on the map is somewhat broken. I just don't think the map is balanced very well.

I think argueing that Phasetowers are too strong on Wazhai is a commonly accepted fact as well. 

Yeah pretty much that is my problem with Yrmia, overall i think it is a great map, but against Fire you can be cliffed very hard, and through all the chokepoints CCs, Aoe spells, Wildfire, or Air Units can be used very effective. If it would only favor Frost then i would not even have a problem with it since every colour have some advantages on different maps, but pure fire is even without cliffs/walls a very strong colour. Ok also Fire/Nature or Fire/Frost (shielded dragons) is far away to be fun to battle on this map.

Edited by ImperatorSK
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On 5/10/2019 at 3:45 AM, indubitablement said:

Isn't Uro also a nightmare for frost? By the time frost get to its first well the other factions have already taken theirs and are attacking frost's starting wells. Even if the opponent doesn't attack, frost is 10-30 power behind. How does frost even attack on this map?


This map is also frost so it's ok

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plz don´t remove more maps. I don´t think a 100% balance is possible. Only the cards and the decks will change?


I would like it if the good players would create new good maps on paper and the poeple who can do such things will bring them to game. (with nice trees and rivers... XD)

perhaps 1 or two maps that are stronger for the other colours?

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