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Offering help for rpve lvl 10

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Ok, so rpve lvl 10 is basically the only thing in syklords reborn that i play. And i when i play with players who know what they are doing i enjoy myself the most. But there are only a few, maybe 10. 

So if any of you is interested in playing rpve lvl 10, write me an ingame messsage. We then start a game together and i may say a word or 2, so that you can get into lvl 10. This would be helpful to people who have problems to get to lvl 2, but also genreally for people who have played it a few times, but would like to win it more often.


The more players i have to play with the better. If you sometimes take a word of advice, even better (-:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

For all who would like to get into lvl 10, at the moment the map of the month (motm) lvl 10 for 4 players, is probably the easiest lvl 10 map there is. Just play it a bit, you can still experience how the start works and how to get to t2, which is the first and one of the biggest difficutlies on lvl 10 maps.


EDIT: Also the 1 player motm map this month is very easy and good for beginners, but its a little harder then the 4 player map 

EDIT2: did solo it by the way, although it cannot be seen anymore, since now so many played it (-:

Edited by Buddelmuddel
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Maybe i write some general notes, basically stuff that i like to tell everyone that i play with. It will also answer your question dhrwafel, and it will be short (-:


1. Make sure one of you has a shrine of war in the deck. Preferably one on each side. The first who gets t3 builds it right away.

2. The best decks to start with are blue and green. With them it is easy to play consistent.

3. If you have a bunch of not so experienced players, make sure one has fountains of rebirth, it will make the start so much easier for everyone. By the way i give them away for free, just pm me




Blue deck T1:

frost mage; master archer; ice barrier; homesoil (glyphe)

Green deck T1:

windweaver; surge of light; hurrican (roots, dryad b, fountain of rebirth) ((shamans, mark of the keeper))



black: shadow phoenix (Shadow mage, virydia)

blue: mountaineer, stormsinger g, coldsnap, home soil, ice barrier

green, blue: matter mastery

green: oink, breeding grounds (burrower, surge of light)

green, green: ((deep one, creeping paralyses))

green, red: ((vileblood))

red,red: ((firedacner))


black: ashbone pyromane

green, red: creeper r

black, blue: (lost horror)

black,red: (slavehunter)



lost spirit ships or batariel or bloodhorns ((grinder, thunderwaggons, abominations, ironclads))



now you are good to go


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The following is only recommended for experienced players, because red just isn't as consistend and when you make a fault you wont make t2. Blacks T1 is just generally hard to play on lvl 10.


Red T1:

nomads, g, mine, eruption, blaster cannon r (suppression, sunstriders, thugs)

black T1:

forsaken, motivate, soul splicer g, snapjaws r (nox trooper) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So, again if you want to try rpve lvl 10 this month motm is very good again. It's a little bit harder then the last one. There are incoomings for the outside positions and also the t3 will be attacked. But if you made it to t4 the rest of the map is easier then a lvl 9 map. It is a very good practice for the start of a lvl 10 map. It is still easier then the other fractions.

Be sure to start with blue or green on the outside positions (pos 1 and 4) to be able to take on the incoming. Then you are good to go, gl hf

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  • 4 weeks later...

Meanwhile questions that arised or that i was asked:


- the orb is always from position 4 to position 3

- if there is a tower or flying the general map difficulty will be higher

- position 1 and 4 will get incomings on some maps, pls play green or blue here

- map difficulty: bandit - twilight -stoneskin - lost souls

- position 4 will often not get their second orb, if you are a new player this is the position with the least impact, start here and look how the other play the map

- try to build all building as a team that affect all players: start with fountains of rebirth, incredible mo, shrine of war, wheels, healing gardens

- for lost souls map generally 2 fire start decks are good

- put in a t2 and a t3 unit. Cave: tortuguns at t2

- i did adapt the card suggestions, one bracket ( means kind of playable, maybe even good when you are experienced with it, two brackets (( means decent, but if all 4 of you have a deck like this you wont make it


EDIT: Motm is bandit this month again, so i heard - good for practice and starting out

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  • 1 year later...

- Generally try to have half your deck to be t1 and t2 cards

- when you play with me you dont need any buildings, i will build shrine of war, fountain of rebirth, healing gardens, incredible mo, wheels; just focus all cards,  to make it through the map


And some deck examples for the first two orbs:

green -green: t1: windweaver, dryade blue, surge of light, fountains of rebirth, roots, hurrican,mark of the keeper, maybe shamans t2: deep one, burrower, curse of oink, creeping paralysis

10 cards, just t1,t2, you can`t go wrong with that in lvl 10

blue green: t1: master archer, frost mage, ice barrier, home soil, glyphe of forst, wintertide blue t2: mountaineer, stormsinger, matter mastery, curse of oink, coldsnap, maybe aggressor

11 cards just t1,t2 you get the idea

For t3, t4 the easiest is to go for lost spirit ships, batariel or bloodhorns, maybe abominations, grinder, but doesn't matter to much, to get to t4 takes most of the time on lvl 10 maps


Is there a way that i could add in the picutre of the cards, and not just write the names down?

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A bunch of people want to start black. Black is the hardest to play, and you might need some help. If you play with me I will build fountains of rebirth, and help you with fire support, so that you should be fine.


A general black lvl 10 random deck, would look like this:

T1: Nox trooper, Dreadcharger, Snapjaws red, motivate, soulsplicer green, embalmer maybe: life weaving T2: resource booster, phoenix, shadow mage, army of the dead, nether warp green

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  • 1 month later...

In short again:

T1: all devensive spells that a colour has to offer (hurrican, roots, homesoil, glyphe of frost, motivate, soul splicer, mine, eruption)

T2: shadow phoenix, additional anti air card: gladiatrix, amii phantom, stormsinger

T3: 1 t3 Unit

T4: Batariel, Lost Spirit Ships, Bloodhorns

Ask me ingame to look at an rpve 10 deck. Write me additionally the colour you would like to start with. Blue and green are the easist colours to start with.

Just join me ingame, I will help you get through the map

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If you first time lvl 10, you want to play with me and you are not sure what to take, i suggest the following:

master archer, frost mage, home soil, ice barrier


It is very strong, fast, and save



Additionally it would be nice, when you are planning to build a building, that you could show it in the deck preview. I usually have all buildings in my decks, but in lvl 10, every slot that is available is welcome

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can make the same offer as Buddelmuddel, hope it is ok for you that I conquer your Thread.

If you need help starting Bg10 you can msg me here, ingame (weekdays european afternoon-evening, weekend prolly all day long) or via discord (Volin#8101, you'll find me on the SR DC)

You should bring:

A deck lvl 80+ and an open mind to work on this, for the first steps meta approaches like mentioned above are a good starting point

A relaxed attitude and will to comunicate either on english (or german)

At least 1-2 hours time

A solid Bg9 experience


Looking forward to your questions and msg

Cya ingame



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So, right now, there started to be a reasonable amount of lvl 10 players, which is good.

I would give some tips for advanced lvl 10 gameplay, I know its the beginner guide, but I think its also good to keep it together:


To keep a healthy mental in lvl 10:

- you probably wont win every match except when you have a very experienced team, with decks which are build to win

- not every fraction has the same difficutly, and not every map in each fraction has the same diffcutly:

  so there are maps with air units at the start, with towers, without them and camps at the t3 camp or without it

  the difficutly varies immensely if there is air, and also if there are camps at the t3, expecially for certain positions, 1,4

  it also varies immensely depending on the fraction starting from bandit, to twilight to stoneskin to lost souls 

- not every position has the same difficulty

  this is probably the most interesting point:

  pos 2 is the best position, then position 3, then 1 and then 4

  when you play with me i will usually be on position 2. Mostly it is the position, where i can clear my stuff easily and i am able to help the others to get to their spheres. If im on position   4,  my impact on the game is slimmer.

  in 50% of the games there are camps at the t3, so when they get triggered, which can happen from the inside player or the outside player the outside players have to cope in the worst   case with 3 incoming waves. On those maps it is good when you have an experienced inside player who helps you.

- generally when you are the better player, start inside, position 2,3 and help your outsides

- position 4 gets the least amount of energy income. It is good to change the position every match, or you build a low energy income deck especially for position 4, or just dont get frustrated if it is not the game of your life and you will maybe have to get carried through the map.

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