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Are core pvp cards too rare?


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When you sell your Shaman for an Harvester, something is wrong.

Some notable cards include:


  • Windweavers 150 bfp
  • Forsaken, Sunstriders, Master Archers 30+ bfp


  • Coldsnap 450 bfp
  • Shaman 900 bfp
  • Skyfire Drake 200 bfp
  • Frost Mage 500 bfp
  • Root 250 bfp
  • Lyrish Knight, Burrower, Darkelf Assassins 100+ bfp


  • Hurricane 250 bfp
  • Motivate 150 bfp
  • Home Soil 400 bfp

For example, a relatively cheap deck like fire-nature is going to cost about 3000 bfp for the essential.


2 Sunstriders 100 bfp
1 Scavenger 80 bfp
2 Firesworm 200 bfp
1 Mortar 50 bfp
1 Ghostspear 35 bfp
2 Gladiatrix(green) 200 bfp
1 Scythe Fiends 200 bfp
3 Skyfire Drake 500 bfp
2 Burrower 250 bfp
2 Ensnaring Roots 500 bfp
2 Hurricane 550 bfp
2 Giant Slayer 300 bfp



What do you think?

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While I think you are right that prices for some cards are heavily inflated - not only PvP cards but very useful cards in general, i don't see how you could resolve that conflict and this is simply the result of players already knowing before the game launched which cards are/will be highly sought after which results in very high demand and way to little supply. The market will stabilize once there are a few more copies of those cards flowing around in the market. Also Huricane and Motivate are only slightly more expensive than in the original game (hurricane ~180-200, Motivate ~100-110) while Home Soil was around 400 for a long time.

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Haha, shaman at 900 is pretty funny :)

Wasn't there this one guy who consistently bought all the shamans and sold them for exactly 900 bfp, filling all 10 pages so no one else could make an auction?


Yeah, I'd like to bring the 1bfp common "booster" back. Or have some other way to get commons cheaply and easily (at least in the early stages of the game, when there aren't enough commons to go around).

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8 minutes ago, indubitablement said:

When the devs are able to fix the multiaccounting problem, supply will be lower. I've heard of someone creating 59 accounts for the 2 starting boosters.

Yeah for the first few days maybr. When devs fix the people dcinn all the time there will be way more quest conpleted which will more than make up for it. Also time works for the market in that cad

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It's just bad game design when essential cards are not common ones. If it depended on me, I would make all core cards from compedium commons and optional ones uncommons at best. I would aslo incrised rarity of some cards noone ever wants. This problem is aslo closely releted to cards balance and variety.


11 hours ago, Eirias said:

I'd like to bring the 1bfp common "booster" back. Or have some other way to get commons cheaply and easily (at least in the early stages of the game, when there aren't enough commons to go around).

We do not need special boosters. We need ANY boosters. 450:bf: price is as good as not selling boosters at all. If price was 100:bf:, I would rather buy 4 boosters and try my luck instead of purchasing Cold Snap for 400:bf:. A resonable booster price is the thing that keeps commons/uncommons prices aslo resonable.

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personally i do have an issue with core cards being too costly/rare. in my opinion, the core cards a faction is designed around and are required to play the deck should be uncommon at most. optional cards that offer adapation to matchups or have effects simillar to other cards should be the ones with higher rarity. you should basically be able start out with a bare-bones viable deck for an affordable price and then once you get more into pvp and feel like you need to adapt to the meta/matchups or just want some optional (but not cruical) cards, you need to invest more bfp. it's just not fun to grind pve until you finally "unlock" pvp once you have a bare-bones deck.

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56 minutes ago, LagOps said:

personally i do have an issue with core cards being too costly/rare. in my opinion, the core cards a faction is designed around and are required to play the deck should be uncommon at most. optional cards that offer adapation to matchups or have effects simillar to other cards should be the ones with higher rarity. you should basically be able start out with a bare-bones viable deck for an affordable price and then once you get more into pvp and feel like you need to adapt to the meta/matchups or just want some optional (but not cruical) cards, you need to invest more bfp. it's just not fun to grind pve until you finally "unlock" pvp once you have a bare-bones deck.

While this is true, the inability to get the 'standard' cards might make players opt for interesting alternatives. The main problem is in my opinion not the rarity of the cards; the main problem is some cards just being objectively better than others. If the cards were more balanced, we would have a lot more interesting options, which might make pvp a lot more attractive for a lot more players. As for me personally (not being any good at pvp): seeing interesting strategies is basically not viable unless you have a massive power lead, in which case you would've won anyway.

imo: balance >>> card rarity

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5 hours ago, Smok said:

We do not need special boosters. We need ANY boosters. 450:bf: price is as good as not selling boosters at all. If price was 100:bf:, I would rather buy 4 boosters and try my luck instead of purchasing Cold Snap for 400:bf:. A resonable booster price is the thing that keeps commons/uncommons prices aslo resonable.

Well, the price of cards will directly depend on the supply, which depends on the cost of boosters and the amount of bfp you can get per day. So if you could buy 4 boosters per day (based on daily quests), then the price of coldsnap would drop tremendously.

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price today are not real ,not all players play the game normal ,as they know accounts will be reset.more items will be for sale when the game will go on nomral mode.commons cards will be common now they are rare and some plp want to make their decks from day 1 ,thats why prices are so high.

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23 hours ago, indubitablement said:

Windweavers 150 bfp

Coldsnap 450 bfp

Shaman 900 bfp

Root 250 bfp

Motivate 150 bfp

The problem with this cards is, that they are also important PVE cads, so boths playergroups are looking for them.

Btw. is shaman even considered an important PVP card? In PVE decks it is almost in any deck which starts T1 with nature.

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11 minutes ago, Kilian Dermoth said:

Btw. is shaman even considered an important PVP card? In PVE decks it is almost in any deck which starts T1 with nature.

Yeah, for the traditional nature T1 he is quite essential and you need at least one charge for him, because he is the core unit in nature mirrors unless Treespirits are played. 

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Prices will be normal when all players join and play without disconnects after beta/stress testing

When you start playing BF did you made your decks from first week ? why you want that happen now

One of the purposes of the game is the collection of the cards ,buying them all from 1st month will not be so fun to play it.


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7 hours ago, wertyy said:

One of the purposes of the game is the collection of the cards ,buying them all from 1st month will not be so fun to play it.

I agree that collecting card is part of the fun, up to a point. What I would like to bring attention to is that "chase" or "hunt" cards are also necessary pvp card. Futhermore, before you can play pvp you need a pve deck with upgrades to farm gold and daily quest. Together this is gating pvp behind hours of grind.

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