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Important: Open Beta Status Announcement


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to all of those who responded to my post :

first of all , i want to be clear , i never ment to judge the guys of the project and it sure wasnt my point to offense anyone , for all of you who paid attention to only the things u didnt liked in my post ,  I said it explicitly "Dont get me wrong pal , its not the programming part that i judge you guys about , no no" , i also said at the end "I want to remind you man that i still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best" , so for those of you who thought im just a child and im spreading hate here , think again please.

now for those who said to me : "they said they wont release another dates" , i got that , obiously i read the post and i understood , i think it should have been like this from the first place but its fine now.

i mentioned in the post that he didnt responded me , it wasnt my expectation , im sure theres others who think like me and he probably got alot of posts like mine , i just wanted to express my opinion here to see what others thinks , and it sure wasnt my goal to get attention @ferevus , more of that , you honostly think im waiting inside my room on my pc every day waiting? come on man , you cant be serious , you also think im broken hearted by that ? ^^ dont take it too serious , and read again the post , i said that the posts they upload are breaking hearts , no that im am...

@Heriox i really tried to make guys understand , i DONT think they fooled us with the dates , i guess you didnt understood my point , i just think it wasnt a good idea to public all these dates. and ill have to say it to you too , becasue you didnt paid attention to that part , like others didnt ... I APPRECIATE THEIR WORK VERY MUCH , i understand their like 3 ppl and its unbelievebly hard , they do a great job.

@Luki thanks for linking all the games that where suspended a long time ether , im sure gonna enjoy that knowledge bro , you think i care about other games ? i wanted to share my opinion about this one. i get that theres alot of delays also on big companys games , though i think its wrong to post a date after date , like i said , i think it should have been like it is now from the first place , the dates frustrates ppl.

and a tip for all of those who involved how stupid i am , and how much my things are bullshit , please grow up a bit , and open your mind for what other ppl thinks , and do not insult others opinions , because thats a way to spread hateness , and not mine , like some said...

have a good day .




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@Eviatar10 You say "Don't get me wrong pal" and "I want to remind you man that you still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best" but from others perspectives, some may find the tone of your post to be a little confrontational. I'm talking about stuff like: "this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ?" is meant as a theoretical question and insinuates that since its our "method" we do it on purpose and that's not a normal thing to do. You responded to @Luki for linking all those dates of other games that you claim you dont care for, so why did you ask "Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and consistently and repeatedly fails its fans down?" if you didn't want an answer? Seems like another theoretical question for which you purport to know the answer of, and when someone actually gives you evidence and answer to your questions, you respond negatively to that. General things like "Dont take me for a fool" has very negative connotations and also abit accusatory and confrontational like I mentioned. If you "dont think they fooled us with dates" why in your original post you said "stop making false dates"?

Overall of course in regards to the forum rules you are not breaking any, and accordingly no official action was taken, but that doesnt mean that people will not see or feel the negativity in your post and downvote or upvote based on their own opinions or beliefs of how the upvote and downvote system should be used. And thats how the system is designed. Overall, the content you shared in your post has a good sentiment to it, and in the end we did listen to that, but you could have carried the message in a better way.

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Thats what i can add to this.
I read your post several times in a row... and it has always the same negative connotation.

As u said now, we probably didnt " understood " your message u want to tell.
But for me and for some others your post sounds like a " Shoot " against the develope team and as that i take that and understood it.

It´s ok if u say u dont mean it like this... But dont tell us, we have to grow up or whatever, when u obviously can´t spread your message like it is supposed to be.
Your post is clearly negative to understand and if the majority of the community understood it like that.. Maybe just maybe consider that u probably didnt use a well choiced language to communicate your impression/feelings/oppinion.

Just ask yourself the question why your post has such a negative response. It isent only the readers " Fault "


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Indeed, I actually overlooked the part that I personally find most aggravating about that post because it could be a translation issue or it could just be styles of speech. I really, really hate it when people use terms like "pal", "buddy" or "mate" in posts that have a generally aggressive tone, it makes it sound far worse and gives particular connotations of the person doing it. So on the off-chance that you did think it was improving the tone of your post, I'm fairly sure there are a good number of people like me out there for whom it has the opposite effect.

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Tadaaaa, un membre Francais.

Et oui ce jeu a eu une ampleur nationale et moi aussi j'ai encore l'impatience de jouer à ce jeux, mais que ça ne sois pas aux prix de votre exploitation, vous avez raison, prenez votre temps, ne vous précipité pas, cela causera que plus de problème, même si on doit attendre plus longtemps, au moins nous jouerons à un jeux stable et agréable a jouer.

En attendant j'avais une petite idée pour amplifier l'ampleur de ce jeu...voir avec Steam.

Énormément de gens utilisent Steam et Steam à les moyens de montrer que Battleforge reviens sous un autre nom, beaucoup de gens seront informé, et le jeux aura encore plus de succès, et sur la plateforme Steam, ce jeux sera plus facilement d'accès pour chacun, donc à réflechir sur ce sujet là.

Translation by Ultra: 
Tadaaaa, a French member.

And yes this game has had a national scale and I too can not wait to play this game, but it's not at the price of your farm, you're right, take your time, do not rush, this will cause more trouble, even if we have to wait longer, at least we will play a stable and enjoyable game to play.

In the meantime I had a little idea to amplify the scope of this game ... see with Steam.

A lot of people are using Steam and Steam in ways to show that Battleforge is coming back under a different name, a lot of people will be informed, and the game will be even more successful, and on the Steam platform, this game will be more easily accessed for everyone, so to think about this subject there.

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2 hours ago, Strype said:

Tadaaaa, un membre Francais.

Et oui ce jeu a eu une ampleur nationale et moi aussi j'ai encore l'impatience de jouer à ce jeux, mais que ça ne sois pas aux prix de votre exploitation, vous avez raison, prenez votre temps, ne vous précipité pas, cela causera que plus de problème, même si on doit attendre plus longtemps, au moins nous jouerons à un jeux stable et agréable a jouer.

En attendant j'avais une petite idée pour amplifier l'ampleur de ce jeu...voir avec Steam.

Énormément de gens utilisent Steam et Steam à les moyens de montrer que Battleforge reviens sous un autre nom, beaucoup de gens seront informé, et le jeux aura encore plus de succès, et sur la plateforme Steam, ce jeux sera plus facilement d'accès pour chacun, donc à réflechir sur ce sujet là.

Cool un autre Français je suis le reborn depuis le début et j’attends avec impatience l'arrivé tant attendu !!!!!!

Translation by Ultra: Cool another French I am the reborn from the beginning and I look forward to the long awaited arrival !!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Strype said:

Tadaaaa, un membre Francais.

Et oui ce jeu a eu une ampleur nationale et moi aussi j'ai encore l'impatience de jouer à ce jeux, mais que ça ne sois pas aux prix de votre exploitation, vous avez raison, prenez votre temps, ne vous précipité pas, cela causera que plus de problème, même si on doit attendre plus longtemps, au moins nous jouerons à un jeux stable et agréable a jouer.

En attendant j'avais une petite idée pour amplifier l'ampleur de ce jeu...voir avec Steam.

Énormément de gens utilisent Steam et Steam à les moyens de montrer que Battleforge reviens sous un autre nom, beaucoup de gens seront informé, et le jeux aura encore plus de succès, et sur la plateforme Steam, ce jeux sera plus facilement d'accès pour chacun, donc à réflechir sur ce sujet là.


1 hour ago, Ch'Pec said:

Cool un autre Français je suis le reborn depuis le début et j’attends avec impatience l'arrivé tant attendu !!!!!!

Hi, the official language in the forums is English so please keep your posts in English or provide a translation as per forum rules. An example translation has been provided for you just this once.

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On 28/04/2018 at 10:55 AM, Ultrakool said:


Hi, the official language in the forums is English so please keep your posts in English or provide a translation as per forum rules. An example translation has been provided for you just this once.

ok men sorry it's ok for me good days !!!!!!


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On 4/28/2018 at 7:36 AM, Strype said:

In the meantime I had a little idea to amplify the scope of this game ... see with Steam.

A lot of people are using Steam and Steam in ways to show that Battleforge is coming back under a different name, a lot of people will be informed, and the game will be even more successful, and on the Steam platform, this game will be more easily accessed for everyone, so to think about this subject there.

This has been suggested many times before but is not possible. Steam will only accept games from the owners of that game, any the Skylords team have no claims on BattleForge, only the 'permission' from EA to continue their reboot. 'Permission' being that EA have said that they won't take any action to stop the project and will allow the continued development.

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hi there....

first.. keep up the good work on a game so many love and want to play again.

but one thing i like to ask... the old game hade the ability to buy with real money ep points and with them buy some cards that we liked, i understand that u guys have no absulote right on this game or any rights, will that ability will be in skylord aswell? and if the answer is yes... many of us will spend real money on ep to buy card, what will happen if ea or anything will come to take over the game or shutdown the game due to rights issues some time after skylords launched?

dont get me wrong... im waiting for years for this game to be open again.. i used to play the old battleforge, and iv read in other section of the forum that there will not be access to our old account in any way or time - means money that we spend in the old battleforge is lost and i truly dont what it to happen again.

Edited by scar1505
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13 hours ago, scar1505 said:

means money that we spend in the old battleforge is lost and i truly dont what it to happen again.

Do not worry, fellow citizen. There won't be options to invest real money ingame. If you want to support the devs, you can check their patreon page (click here ) .

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16 minutes ago, varkond93 said:

So what's going on with beta now? 

Closed beta is in full swing and the devs make good progress every day.

In the last devpost it is stated that the new upcoming phases will most likely be announced next week (without detailed dates). You might wanna check that out:



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I've been watching from the sideline and finally decided to create an account just to say this: people are going to be people, so naturally you're going to have some haters when you delay on a promise. Having that said, i'm a programmer as well and I know how long it can take to track down a bug or get certain things operational. Patience is key.

Just play some Fortnite (or what ever you're into) in the meanwhile.

Have a nice day,

~Freek Wernas

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Oh, now that it comes to mind, what about servers? (This is probably already mentioned somewhere). I live in the Netherlands (Europe), will there be a European server at the open Beta or will it be American only at first and maybe later expand to a European server?

Kind regards,

~Freek Wernas

EDIT: Also (And this is also probably mentioned somewhere so you can consider this as never written if you link me), for the OPEN-Beta, will all loot and experience gained whilst in open Beta be flushed after the beta or will we be able to keep it?

EDIT: EDIT: Will there be another Closed-Beta key giveaway (since there are a lot of bugs being ridden as we speak and you'd say those need to be tested, by people other then the developers for different perspective)?

Edited by xsissel
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Question for the devs if they're watching this thread: Do you know whether the server will be affected by that GDPR thing that's happening? I know at least two games that have been affected by it and have been forced to take measures. One shut down(super monday night combat) and the other is going to be blocking european IPs from the international server while allowing for people to still play on the european server. 

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I heard something about handpicking some more closed-beta testers, i'd be willing to part-take, though I might not be a fit candidate (since i'm both a developer and have a full time job that takes a lot of my hours). Non the-less, where can I sign up or should I mail someone my resume or something, ha ha?

Kind regards,

~Freek Wernas 

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I think everyone wants to be a closed beta tester lol. When I saw how far the progress for this has come I made an account and started re-watching old videos and newer streams of the game and I'm chomping at the bit just to get into the forge even. This is the game that started my love for strategy and I think it is amazing that these guys are all working crazy hard to bring it back! It's the coolest thing ever that they are doing this.

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On 5/6/2018 at 10:03 PM, Necrolance said:

Question for the devs if they're watching this thread: Do you know whether the server will be affected by that GDPR thing that's happening? I know at least two games that have been affected by it and have been forced to take measures. One shut down(super monday night combat) and the other is going to be blocking european IPs from the international server while allowing for people to still play on the european server. 

I saw something on this, could you elaborate more? What is that exactly, and doesn't that concern the items that are bought with real life money?

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It shouldn't affect us because it is most about saving personal data. Since we don't have a shop where anyone could buy things with real life money or anything else, we shouldn't have a problem. There's no system on our servers where we would save your personal data at all. Maybe there's some logging of IPs, yeah. But we have no access to your private/personal data like name, address, date of birth, ... with which we could gain money.

But maybe @MrXLink could make a little research about this concern.

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The GDPR exists to protect data and how we use the data we collect. Think about the recent facebook scandal, that sort of thing.
From what I can gather, our project is quite far out of the danger zone. We don't collect user data without consent, nor do we use anything we log for any activities outside the game itself. We don't even store your credentials; we don't have a store and Patreon is responsible for our donation platform. 

We have basic information such as your IPs, email addresses, and so on, but those all are not private data that we are using without your consent (by creating an account) or sharing with third parties. Additionally, our rules are clear and we are able to provide the data collected if ultimately necessary.

All in all, it's extremely unlikely that these GDPR changes will have any influence on us, since we already barely collect any data (especially not sensitive data) and we don't fiddle around with any of your data to third parties either. The minimal data we get is safe with us, and the project shouldn't be influenced by this.

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15 hours ago, piersonmp3 said:

I think everyone wants to be a closed beta tester lol. When I saw how far the progress for this has come I made an account and started re-watching old videos and newer streams of the game and I'm chomping at the bit just to get into the forge even. This is the game that started my love for strategy and I think it is amazing that these guys are all working crazy hard to bring it back! It's the coolest thing ever that they are doing this.

me too! and the same thoughts!

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