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I can understand that someone really wants the game to come out without progress reset. The loot count and table won't change as far as i have read it. The point of not doing it is for the sake of PVP for balancing non cheat fair games (I may be incorrect, sry in that case). I don't want to play PVP. I don't want to play with random people, because I got some friends that will never cheat and i plan playing only with them PVE. The reset is not good for me and my friends that are waiting and want to start after no more reset.

But if i keep thinking that way i go full ego mode. The devs have a reason. They can't and won't make decisions for some individual, but for the sake of the whole game that they are working on unpaid for. If I want it another way the answer is: Do it yourself! And i won't be able to it. And without you devs i would never be able to play this great game ever again. Yeah i have to wait, yeah i don't like it but that's my personell problem. There will be people that want to play PVP and this game mode will be bad and frustrating if it is full of cheater. I have to respect that, even if i don't care to play it. Decisions can't be made only for me but for the whole. Keep up your good work devs i keep on waiting for release ;)

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1 hour ago, DrPsy said:

I can understand that someone really wants the game to come out without progress reset. The loot count and table won't change as far as i have read it. The point of not doing it is for the sake of PVP for balancing non cheat fair games (I may be incorrect, sry in that case). I don't want to play PVP. I don't want to play with random people, because I got some friends that will never cheat and i plan playing only with them PVE. The reset is not good for me and my friends that are waiting and want to start after no more reset.

But if i keep thinking that way i go full ego mode. The devs have a reason. They can't and won't make decisions for some individual, but for the sake of the whole game that they are working on unpaid for. If I want it another way the answer is: Do it yourself! And i won't be able to it. And without you devs i would never be able to play this great game ever again. Yeah i have to wait, yeah i don't like it but that's my personell problem. There will be people that want to play PVP and this game mode will be bad and frustrating if it is full of cheater. I have to respect that, even if i don't care to play it. Decisions can't be made only for me but for the whole. Keep up your good work devs i keep on waiting for release ;)

Finally someone reasonable.

Thanks for this comment.

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Any probable date of release? I stopped playing beta, but it was working pretty decent by the time I stopped. There were some bugs still, but they shouldnt take much time to fix I suppose. Any sort of information about possible launch date will be gold. I am 100% sure, that you guys can measure the amount of work that you do per week and think about how many more weeks do you need to finish the job plus 2 months for testing. 

So is there any chance for the release of this game in 2019 or we have to wait until 2020?

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Have you ever written a program? :thinking:

If you can measure how long it will take you to fix bugs, you are probably the only one on the world.

I work over 40 hours per week on it, how can I count how long it will take from that? :thinking:

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The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. — Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

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3 minutes ago, FlameForge said:

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. — Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

90%+90% = 180%?

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1 hour ago, Kubik said:


90%+90% = 180%?

What he means is that the last 10% development is 50% time of all the 100% time.

But I don't think it's true. It really depends on the individual algorithms.

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On 4/25/2019 at 8:58 AM, nofearek9 said:


What you mean loot count and table? the gold ?upgrades of cards?

Gold, upgrades, chances to get a card from a booster pack... probably everything you get for playing missions.

Refer to saying for PVE players with friends both only there won't be a change for not doing a reset as far as i can see it (i might be wrong or miss something here). And before someone says: He might be right, devs go release the game with no reset: If i'm right it still only count for a small group of player base and devs can't act only for them.

They could make 2 servers (PVP and PVE): The PVE only could start now, but that would mean deactivating some quests the devs put into the game (good for me i don't want pvp daily quests) and deactivate PVP on this server (yeah also good for me and those PVP hater like me XD). Sounds nice and simple... if not every change like deactivate PVP on a server could cause more bugs and problems. Also it means splitting ressources for taking care of 2 different servers with different settings, which is not good for a small dev team (remember they ain't a big gaming factory with hundreds of employees and millions of dollars flying around).

Conclusion: The best thing for the people that want to play the game without reset like me is: Do what you don't like. Wait for it to be finished, trust the devs, stay nice to motivate them (yeah being nice = boosting morale of people working for free = working better/faster thats how morale works... -> doing the opposite: flame and rage = demotivate the devs = you get it and if not simply don't make a post in the forum, it will help i assure you, thx).

And now i want to say something that doesn't sound like i wanted to become a preacher: I want a cute little turtle riding on the construct (the t4 stone siege turtle) for giggles. Theres a small open temple on it, how adorable it would be if there was a happy turtle inside XD (devs don't do i would feel more and even too sad if one of my construct dies)

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On 4/24/2019 at 9:29 PM, Kubik said:

Have you ever written a program? :thinking:

If you can measure how long it will take you to fix bugs, you are probably the only one on the world.

I work over 40 hours per week on it, how can I count how long it will take from that? :thinking:

Its obvious, that bugs will remain even after you will finish rewriting the code to launch game as it was before. Some bugs will even stay forever, cause of the nature of original code. Simply there is no way to fix them. Having this said, Yes, I truly believe that you can count down approximate time needed to make game up and running with all original features ( as I said, count down the time even with the 90-90 rule that was quoted and add 2 months for additional cuts & polish). 

Im not trying to put pressure on you guys, however when you dont have deadline of your project, that project simply has no end, as you said yourself. 

Again, I was playing stress test version, it was working ok in majority of the situations, but knowing that I will lose all my progress is just discouraging. So I will rather wait until final reset and release. So, even if the game will still require patches in the future (ofc it will, we all understand that), I think that I can say, that all current active and passive Skylords would like to know, what is the deadline of your project. We have been waiting and following you for many years ;) Just give us some credit ;) 

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10 minutes ago, Paulson79 said:

We have been waiting and following you for many years

Then you was following much more than I :P I know about that project just over a year :D 

12 minutes ago, Paulson79 said:

it was working ok in majority of the situations

Even recently we count crashes with crashes per day, not crashes per week.. how that can count as "ok in majority of the situations"?

13 minutes ago, Paulson79 said:

Yes, I truly believe that you can count down approximate time needed to make game up and running with all original features

Then funny me, and count it. Right now I am the only one working on server, and do it for at least 40 hours per week, as for last year and something.

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:thinking: @Paulson79 and how you even measure how much is done, and how much is missing? :thinking: This is also interesting question. Because for a project when I write something from scratch I can create lists of what is done, what is missing, and what will need to be done for those missing things. But there even if you would be only autor of the code, when code get big there could be things you did not expect that create a need to change parts that was originally counted as "done". And how could we say what is missing if we do not know about more than 99% of the game? :thinking:

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9 minutes ago, ChrisAndyXD said:


wie kann ich das spielen ich habe alles heruntergeladen aber bei funtioniert es nicht kann ich eine schritt für schritt anleitung bekommen bitte über meine email adresse bitte ?

Please speak English 

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On 4/17/2019 at 5:38 AM, Kubik said:

"What is the actual daily number of logins?" over 100 000. which is much more than we have in closed beta.

If you do not like it just stop playing and wait for next stage. What else you expect from us?

Wow over 100,000 already!  That's amazing.  Glad I get to be a part of this.  Screw the haters, I'm having a blast. :)

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