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Corporate Downsizing Guide


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Treasure Fleet

Twilight Curse is used on the Rightmost ship to end the map earlier. The only tricky part of this is killing the first camp, if you dodge the first tower shot, or only lose one unit, you can just attack-move the rest.

Optional Cards: Skyfire Drake can be traded for suppression, a defensive tower, or oink if you prefer. 

Deck Code: MkWEUiR_KZF

Treasure Fleet 5 cards.pmv

Encounters with Twilight

Take your time at start. Get Magma Hurler, Crush game with Magma Hurler/Unity. For the end, let a few skyfires stand in the middle without specific orders and they will keep the spirits clear while the Hurlers kill the boss. 

Optional cards: I guess t1 and t2 are optional, whatever you want to use to get to Hurler/Unity. Could also be done with Swamp Drake of course, so I guess the entire deck is optional :).

Deck Code: MaFCN_K7FcT


Encounters with Twilight 5 cards.pmv

Edited by Laertes
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Siege of Hope

Take free wells, use mine-nomad to kill the spawner before the big wave. Then clear out t3 and take all the wells on the map. Defend with Tower and Swamp Drake. Then lure out boss and kill it. 

Optional Cards: Magma Hurler can be something else if you want to cut the best unit in the game for some reason. 




Siege of Hope 5 cards.pmv

Defending Hope

You get to start the map with Swamp Drake so, idk what to say. You can hold the extra wells for a side quest if you want. 

Optional Cards: BG, Sunstrider, Unity, Tower of Flames


Defending Hope 5 cards.pmv


Take wells early and then defend them with mine/body block. On the frozen army, manually target pyromaniac to kill large units first. Make Magma Hurlers and kill everything. If you want this to be very chill, don't help Viridya right away so you have time to build up a few extra units. 

Deck: MaFCNkV7FcT


Soultree 5 cards.pmv

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Take free wells, wait until 2nd Abom. Then take t2, t3, t4. Make army of Banzai. Then clear map and run NPCs directly to where they need to go. No need to defend anything. 

Optional: Unity. 

Deck: MwSaFcTHaJa

Slavemaster 5 cards.pmv

Behind Enemy Lines

Use roots to make the beginning easier. Ideally keep the spawners alive until 20m, then you can clear them. Army of Swamp Drakes to clear map. 

Optional: BG. Probably Parasite Swarm would make this a lot easier if you have that. 



Behind Enemy Lines 5 cards.pmv

Convoy (solo) 

Take free wells and rush t3 with nomads. Then spitfires to kill power shrine. Then hold t4 long enough to get out a couple of fire dragons. Then drop Volcanos to stop the waves bothering you and finish map once you're ready. 



Convoy 5 cards.pmv


I definitely would put mine or another t1 card in the empty slot. It's the starting area that's annoying. Once you get Swamp Drakes it's easy. 

Deck: MaFcTDLzM


Ocean 5 cards.pmv


Run nomads past to get to t2, spam gladiatrix. Use oink and micro to build up army of gladiatrix and clear. Take t3, make swamp drakes. Clear map, take t4, make Volcanos. Fail confusing and bugged irrelevant light switch game. Kill witchdoctor. 



Oracle 5 cards.pmv

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Titans (solo))
with nightguards rush to steal 3 deep ones, with lifestealers to defend the orb, as soon you get to tier 3, rush to free the hostages with 2 corsairs and clearing the path of Rogan in the process, in the mean time Jornes path must be blocked, up until the boss it is up to you how to distract the boss, my favorite is to spam banditos to distract him and kill Brannoc with Fire Dragons





Edited by zeemona
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7 hours ago, Hrdina_Imperia said:

Thanks for this. Yesterday tried to do King of the Giants and came so close. Need better micro with LSS's. 

You should feed couple boosters to LSS, so can heal them later. Need like 2 instances of healing, before map's t4 location and before last wall to boss.

Edited by sharlajjn
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