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Official 1p rPvE Contest - Resurrection of the Lost Soul - Difficulty 8 - DONE

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Hello Skyladies, Skylords and other Skybeings,

Welcome to a Halloween-Season PvE event!


I remember, long was it ago,  
When I vanished, beneath earth's solemn throw.  
An Event Manager once, lively and grand,  
Whose absence turned into legend, across the land.

But now the Spooky Season calls my name,  
Awakening my spirit, rekindling my flame.  
A Lost Soul, rising from the earthly bed,  
With haunting ideas that fill the night with dread.

No longer gone, I’ve returned to my post,  
To host a Skylord Reborn's event, let's raise a ghostly toast.  
For this Halloween, let eerie magic unspool,  
A resurrection, from the land of the ghoul.

So come forth, brave warriors, if you dare,  
For this event promises a spine-chilling scare.  
I’m back to bring you ghoulish delight,  
Happy Haunting to all, and to all a frightful night!


Quick Overview:

  • Map                          - 1p rPvE
  • Difficulty                   - 8 (Map of the Month)
  • Date                          - 01.11 until 15.11  (23:59 UTC+2)
  • Prizes                        - Boosters and the new card "Soulstone"
  • Winner reveal           - On the 18th of November in this topic


Goals and Restrictions:

You need to play the 1p rPvE map of the month on Difficulty 8 and achieve following three goals under two restrictions:

Restriction 1: Your first and second orb are restricted to Frost and Shadows orbs only (this means also no double frost or double shadow start)
Restriction 2: Once you are T2 (have your second orb available), you are only allowed to spawn Lost Soul units. This also means you are no longer allowed to play tier 1 units. This restriction does not apply to spells or buildings.

Goal 1: Win the Map
Goal 2: Open all Gold Chests
Goal 3: Reach T4 without Amii Monument (The faster, the better)



I will update the FAQ below as questions are asked throughout the event. 


FAQ - Section:

1) Do we have to win the map?
Yes, you have to win the map.

2) Can I use non-Lost Souls Spells?
Yes, you are allowed to freely cast spells.

3) How is a draw decided?
If the T4 time is a draw between players, the faster map time decides the winner.

4) When will the time be stopped?
The second, the T4 Monument is fully built.

5) What are the Requirements for Raffle 2?
You just need to normally participate within the rules, there is no time-requirement

6) What if I am T2 and my Monument dies so I am T1 again?
Once you are T1, you are again allowed to play non-Lost Souls cards.

7) What qualifies as a Lost Souls unit?
A unit that requires at least one Shadow and one Frost orb. For example: Lost Shade, Lost Grigory, etc.

8 ) Can I just stay T1 and finish the map?
No, you need to reach T4 at some point.

9) Can I use my T1 units that stayed alive once I reach T2
Yes, you are not forced into killing off all T1 units.

10) is it okay to play Fr/S/S/N? No need to stick to just frost and shadow orbs?
Yes, thats okay. As long as you are able to spawn Lost Souls units once you reach T2

How can I participate?

Everyone with an ingame account can participate in the event, there is no need to sign up separately.
You just have to send in your best replay, including the player names and the time of map finish, to mHiko on Discord
(minashigohiko) or the forum
@Minashigo Hiko).

Replay name format - "mHiko_00h20m30s_.pmv"

You can send in your replays until 15.11 23:59 UTC+2.
You can find your replays here: Documents=>Battleforge=>replays


What's the Prize Pool?

The following prize pool will be adjusted according to the amount of participants.
All bfp prizes have been sponsored by @Vysnia

You can join the event multiple times, but only your fastest T4 time will be rewarded, and you can only enter the raffle once:

1st Place: 7 Lost Souls Boosters
2nd Place: 6 Lost Souls Boosters 
3rd Place: 6 Lost Souls Boosters 
4th Place: 3 Lost Souls Boosters + 1k BFP
5th Place: 3 Lost Souls Boosters + 1k BFP
6th Place: 3 Lost Souls Boosters + 1k BFP
7th Place: 3 Lost Souls Boosters + 1k BFP
8th Place: 3 Lost Souls Boosters + 1k BFP
9th-50% Place: 3 Lost Souls Boosters


There are two Raffles:

Raffle 1we will raffle 10x General Boosters among players who did not win a prize or raffle yet (might scale with increasing participation)

Raffle 2The new card "Soulstone" will be raffled to half of the participating players (your placement doesn't matter for this)

When will the winners be announced?

The winners under top 5 will be announced via a comment in this topic on the 18th of November. Ultralord will also host a Twitch stream, where he will show the remaining 5 runs, a quiz and some interesting data from the event.

Stream: 24th of November at 19:00 (UTC+1)

Thingol, Volin, Kamelot and 4 others like this
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  • Minashigo Hiko changed the title to Official 1p rPvE Contest - Resurrection of the Lost Soul - Difficulty XX- UNTIL 13.11.2023
  • Minashigo Hiko changed the title to Official 1p rPvE Contest - Resurrection of the Lost Soul - Difficulty 6 - UNTIL 15.11.2023
  • Metagross31 pinned this topic

Future events

If you are interested in helping with these kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out!
Send  @Metagross31 or @Minashigo Hiko a PM on the forum, or direct message via Discord (metagross31, minashigohiko).
We are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring towards your prize pool!

We hope you have a lot of fun with this event and are looking forward to seeing all your spooky replays!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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  • Minashigo Hiko changed the title to Official 1p rPvE Contest - Resurrection of the Lost Soul - Difficulty 8 - UNTIL 15.11.2023
2 minutes ago, pierakor said:

I have to take T2 right, I can't just stay T1 and finish the map with Master Archer spam?

If you can make it, there is no rule the forbids you to stay on T1. Only IF you go T2, you are limited to Lost Souls units.

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  • Kapo featured this topic

Hey all,

you want to beat the map with a low-, no-budget deck? Lost Souls is perhapy usually not "your" color?

Fear not - come and see how you can participate easily with almost no budget here:

You don't need to see the full stream for an insight, I begin with the rpve contest.
The played deck is:


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3 hours ago, LichterLoh said:

It doesn´t matter how fast we win the map right?
It´s just a winnining condition.

The actual time is based on finished construction of the T4 monument? right

Yes thats right, the clear time of the map is only looked at, when the finished construction time of the T4 monument is the same as another player.
Adjusted the Post for clarity



20 minutes ago, KrynWinterbourne said:

So i have a question. I know that we're not allowed to summon more units T1 units, but we're still allowed to use any T1 units that are still alive right?


Yes thats right, you are not forced to instantly kill all your T1 units once you reache T2.

You are just forbidden to spawn any extra T1 units

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Probably obvious, but t4 must be obtained by building the monument, not using amii monument, right?


And per @pierakor's question. You could finish the map with all master archers and then build t2-4 when the archers are already amassed, right? As long as you don't summon more of them by the time t2 is available.

Do we even need to beat the map or can we quit once t4 is up and chests are open?

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1 hour ago, KrynWinterbourne said:

Another question. So based off the rules, we can join up with others for this. That said, will there be any difference between a team of 4 vs a single player run reaching t4 for rewards and placements?


As this is sadly a singleplayer contest, you won't be able to participate with a team of 4 

On 10/27/2023 at 4:25 PM, Minashigo Hiko said:

You need to play the 1p rPvE map of the month on Difficulty 8 and achieve following three goals under two restrictions:


59 minutes ago, Eirias said:

Probably obvious, but t4 must be obtained by building the monument, not using amii monument, right?

Yes, I corrected this in the goals.


59 minutes ago, Eirias said:

And per @pierakor's question. You could finish the map with all master archers and then build t2-4 when the archers are already amassed, right? As long as you don't summon more of them by the time t2 is available.

Theoretically yes, you would need to leave 1 enemy alive tho to build up your t4 as reaching t4 is one of the goals.

59 minutes ago, Eirias said:

Do we even need to beat the map or can we quit once t4 is up and chests are open?

There are 3 goals and you need to complete all 3:

On 10/27/2023 at 4:25 PM, Minashigo Hiko said:

Goal 1: Win the Map
Goal 2: Open all Gold Chests
Goal 3: Reach T4 without Amii Monument (The faster, the better)

So, you would still need to win the map after reaching t4 and opening all chests

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11 hours ago, itap said:

Hey guys, one more question.

After we got t4 and completing the time challange we have to finigh the map.

Can we only use lost soul units or other units to?

As you have to complete all goals under the two restrictions, you are still restricted after reaching t4


On 10/27/2023 at 4:25 PM, Minashigo Hiko said:

You need to play the 1p rPvE map of the month on Difficulty 8 and achieve following three goals under two restrictions:

Restriction 1: Your first and second orb are restricted to Frost and Shadows orbs only (this means also no double frost or double shadow start)
Restriction 2: Once you are T2 (have your second orb available), you are only allowed to spawn Lost Soul units. This also means you are no longer allowed to play tier 1 units. This restriction does not apply to spells or buildings.

Goal 1: Win the Map
Goal 2: Open all Gold Chests
Goal 3: Reach T4 without Amii Monument (The faster, the better)


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On 11/2/2023 at 3:33 PM, GevatterTODdy said:

Okay 2 questions from me:

-If i hit 4 monuments and lose it, does the time count on which i finished the building first?

-replay name timer: which time u want? start of building T4; finished building T4; finished map time?

- Yes, but you still need to rebuild it before finishing map.


- oh my bad, will adjust this for more clarity. I was referring to the finished map timer.



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What's the point of the finished map timer, if you rate acording to reaching t4 as fast as possible? I'm confused now. I've finished with more than 10 minutes on the clock last time (but I couldn't find the last chest). So do I have to focus on rushing t4 or on clearing the map?

t4 15 minutes finish 20 minutes

t4 10 minutes finish 25 minutes

Who would win?

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12 hours ago, shaulani said:

What's the point of the finished map timer, if you rate acording to reaching t4 as fast as possible? I'm confused now. I've finished with more than 10 minutes on the clock last time (but I couldn't find the last chest). So do I have to focus on rushing t4 or on clearing the map?

t4 15 minutes finish 20 minutes

t4 10 minutes finish 25 minutes

Who would win?

Map clear time may work as a tiebreaker. So if there are two same times for T4, then the fastest map clear wins, I believe. 

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  • Minashigo Hiko changed the title to Official 1p rPvE Contest - Resurrection of the Lost Soul - Difficulty 8 - DONE
  • Majora unpinned and unfeatured this topic

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