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If you ever wanted to open battleforge model to examine or change it so this tutorial is for you. With the help of k4rr0t I figured out how to get BF models opened. And here is tutorial for that. Step 1 - unpacking .pak files. They are located in <BattleForge\base\pak> folder. To unpack them you will need to download QuickBMS program at that link: QuickBMS Then you will need script for QuickBMS: Battleforge Script After launchng QuickBMS it will ask for script ( that you must choose. Then select your .pak files (units are stored in bf1_gfx_units_skel_*.pak). You can select all .pak files you need at once. When your .pak files are selected choose folder where you want extracted files to appear. If you did everthing right you will have .drs (models), .dds (textures) and .ska (animations). Step 2 - looking into files. To examine models you will need LightSong program that you can get at moddb: LightSong 0.4 After install get special .exe to use with battleforge and put in the same folder you installed 0.4 version: LightSong 0.5 As LightSong.v0.5.exe is ready to use launch it and open .drs model that you need. Sadly some models with a lot of details can't be opened. Using right click on model mesh allows to use other .dds texture. Model can be exported as .obj or .smd in Tools menu If you have some 3d software like Maya or Milkshape or Blender. Step 3 (Optional) - make custom textures and/or models and make Battleforge great again.
Hy guys, With QuickBMS or also with DragunUnpacker I was able to export the content from the .pak files. There are all the cool stuff like textures , sound files and also the 3D models. The models have the file extension .drs and their animations are the .ska files. The problem is that I haven't found an exporter for this file format. My Question : Is there some one whos able to export or convert the meshes from this files in something like .fbx ? I tried to analyse the file format with a hex-editor and find out where the "header" starts and ends. But yeah, I'm not very good in this topic and I stoped it ;D