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Everything posted by Equinox98x

  1. :hypetrain::hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: :hype: 
    Load of hypes incomming!


    1. anonyme0273


      :hypetrain: HOP ON, WE AIN'T STOPPIN'!

    2. Eddio


      CHOO CHOO :hypetrain:

  2. I rlly want to continue my story! but time & sometimes inspiration lacks xs
  3. Wish granted but then Germany fails all other comming matches, for the rest of the time the country exists I wish The Great Britain joined the EU again
  4. Granted but they eat you instead I wish Superwoman existed xd
  5. wish granted but the anime will die out soon I wish I could move time itself
  6. Wish granted, but you missed the email and the alpha was over when you found it. I wish I was mojo jojo
  7. Wish granted, but soon the girlfriend turned into such a lizard lady like that movie, she gets you horny like hel, then bites of your manhood, as following an army of lizards get in your body to cum on each single spot inside, outside your organs and muscles, you will become so weak of the sperm that it drops out of your mouth, eyes & ears and then you drop dead with millions of baby lizards that have eaten you alive I wish I got free food for the rest of my life
  8. Wish granted but the abillity has awaken all historical samurai's to come and get you because of the power, They will hack, whack, slice, kick you, they wil fart on your face, pee in your mouth & cut off your manhood, you'll be bleeding dead but they stop the bleeding just fast enough you aren't dead yet, so the next thing they do is lay some poop on your face and but. They will Stuff your body with teddybears and sin you alive. Followed by that, they burn you I wish I was the one who will find atlantis
  9. Hellooo this was lindey lohan, please come again

    1. SSNTRPimptonSS


      NTY, if we ain't talking amber rose, then I ain't coming ;)

    2. Equinox98x


      Amber Rose was the driver...

  10. Wish granted but the moment you got them, every single bad guy in the world started chasing you to steal the skills, but you don't want to surrender them so they take you, torture you, rip youtr tongue out, cut off your toes & fingers & put scorpions in your pants. I wish I wasn't so evil like this xd
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