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Everything posted by Loptous

  1. So, I can already tell this card is good, but what affinity is the best? The Red Affinity knocks up Small and Medium creatures while the Green Affinity Regenerates lifepoints when near the Razorshard's gifted bombing raid. The only problem I see with this card, is that it is a slightly another version of Fire-stalker although without the siege part. I would most likely take the red affinity in both PVP and PVE, because I think that knocking up units is a better choice than a hp regen buff that is like 20 or something. Anyways, I don't know what to rate this card, but I think it could have some practical use. But then again, it's artwork...could use some work....
  2. Not much I can say here, this card just isn't so good. Only air defense, when there are plenty of towers that can be both air and ground. So I do not know the true value of this card, please enlighten me about it more. Until then 3.1/10 only good for air
  3. Absolutely no one? I am stunned lol
  4. May I be the first to say, this card seems overloaded in abilities, but for a good reason. I find this an upgraded version of Imperials, which is a good card. This card is pretty good as well, especially with all of the horsemen and stuff around. It could even go up against a Harvester with about maybe two or more of them to compete. An addition to the high health, this card can gain a great amount of attack buffs from being upgraded and also from being switched into defensive formation. I like this card, not sure about you guys though, but I give a 8.3/10 great.
  5. I miss the scrolling cards that used to be at the top... :(

    1. Eirias


      Me too. The page seems almost smaller and compressed without it.

    2. Kaliber84


      I agree. While it is nice to see something else for a change I can't approve of the colour scheme :P

  6. Déjà vu forums

  7. The light! The liiiight! What happened to the forums!?

  8. It probably could have some general use, Campaign PVE but that's all I can think of
  9. This card is something pretty much every fire PVP deck looks forward to playing on a regular basis. The range is insane coupled with the siege makes it very annoying to play against. I mean there's only so much I can talk about on this card, but if I did I would keep repeating myself...
  10. It looks to be more on the Feline side more than the Canine side
  11. When I made nature decks, I would often go with these because I could not afford the price of Swiftclaw back then. Although I must say this card is pretty nice and possibly has a potential with Amazon if given the power. The stats are decent and the regeneration is nice, everything you should expect from a starter card. Being the cost is 75, 5 less than Swift claw, although being Small creatures allows this card to easily fall to Dreadcharger, Frost Mage, etc. Unlike swiftclaw, which is a medium card and cannot be affected as much from those, I think this card could make a worthy entry into a deck that cannot afford swiftclaw for the time being. Or this card could be useful for PVE, where the regeneration could make it a little more tankish when capturing points and survivability. Overall 7.9/10 Great but not the best
  12. As suggested by Mental Omega, The Daily Card Discussion topic has included an Index found at the very beginning at the topic! Enjoy!

  13. Could even manawing be better?
  14. My words are at a lost for this card, for I have never used it. I cannot find a particular use for this card other than it's transformation skill, which in this case requires 0 power. I cannot test to see how it would work in game because, obviously it is not out yet, but until then enlighten me upon this card
  15. Heyo I am back and so is a new card to talk about. Anyhow, obviously without a doubt the Green Affinity is far superior to the blue one, because who likes healing more than damage against frozen units? I have not the slightest clue of how this card would work in any deck for PVP, when there are far more better options. The only thing I like about this card is the auto cast of shields upon any unit this card sees fit. In PVE this card would alright to use in Battlegrounds and anything can be pretty much used in Campaign. Not sure in Speedruns of course, I hope our dear friend Treim can enlighten us on the value of this card being used in Speedruns. I would give it a 7.1 out of 10 because, it's supporting skills are pretty nice, although the stat line being a little week due to an 80 cost 2 orbed card.
  16. Like Hearthstone, I like all Legendaries
  17. So this card, I think is the only card with the highest base stat line without any buffs. Also I found this very interesting on his Page on the Battleforge Wiki.... Card UpgradeType or AbilityEffectJorne Icu da veia Jorne IIENFIEI O PAL EM JORNE!! Jorne IIIjOU MASE POESWhat is this? Anyways, great card for PVE especially in long and hard runs of high difficulty, giving that nice buff to Brannoc and Lord Cyrian is pretty cool.
  18. I knew it had some use for PVE but not so much for PVP in my opinion, but then again what do I know lol. Well said again
  19. So taking this card over scavenger does what again? I just find this card too expensive, and to get the buff at least two more have to be around to make them actually useful. Then after upgrading them like 2 times I believe they learn an ability called Sky Scare. The Sky Scare ability does like 600 only to flying units, which sounds pretty good except the 100 power cost. Having at least three of these is going to come at the costly price of 225 power, during the early game, because I see no use of these late-game as much in PVP. PVE this card would alright I guess, it can trample smaller units but still I would rather have a Scavenger, Firesworn, and a Sunderer. I would even go Thugs before this and or Strikers. I am sure that someone running a bandit PVP deck which included early game Fire units would most likely go for Scavenger in terms of scouting, capturing wells, etc. This just seems to pricey as an early game card where you are trying to set some dominance on the field by wasting as little power as possible, to capture wells and orbs. I rate this card 5/10, although having a decent stat line when upgraded, and some uses for PVE, it's pricey power costs to be useful is something not wanted in PVP to turn a game around or to initiate one. What do you guys think?
  20. Now I am not sure if anyone remembers this being of the most wanted nature cards, and for a very good reason! I remember them selling these for 200-400 a piece, just because of how good it is. The basic Shaman card only heals 120 every 5 seconds which in itself is very good. Every upgrade the card gets, gains 10 more healing and some nice HP buffs, making it pretty tanky and a very good support. The only things I can find that would counter it would be mainly Shadow cards such as: Nox Trooper and Shadow Phoenix. While on the other factions, I find it hard to counter because, it's only counters are Medium units, and units above that range obviously. Although like most nature cards, the power cost is pretty pricey, which is pretty much the only cons I can find within this card.
  21. Let's talk about a more interesting card. About Wrathblades, the Burnout skill makes them deal 30% more damage for 20 seconds, unlike the skeleton warriors, who die after the use, these guys will just deal 30% less damage for 40 seconds.... Although I can find very useful things to do with this card in 20 seconds, I still do not see a point of putting this on instead of skeleton warriors, dreadcharger, forsaken, etc. Anyways if I was to take this card, I would find great synergy with Life Weaving, Motivate, etc. But after 30 seconds are over, the card becomes useless, and your probably better off killing it for some soul splicer meat or something. Overall I really do not like this card at all.
  22. Now this card at least from what I have seen, is one of the most used cards in any deck that consists of frost. Unless someone happens to go more early game nature cards for a stonekin deck. I find this card very good against Ravage, another early game card that is used in most fire PVP decks. Combining this with the ice barrier is a pretty sweet combo and can ensure many victories. This even has some relative use late-game, since the attack buff is not a fixed amount, rather 40% attack. I find this card very good, and I am sure most of you would think the same way
  23. Welcome back my beauties, the Daily Card Discussion is back! Now since the formalities are out of the way, I want to talk about Santa Claus. The only thing I can kind of think of as benefits for this card, is escaping. Using the Blue Gift and Christmas Peace on a stack of enemies can be a perfect opportunity for escaping. The Red Gift's regen buff is pretty nice although there is a catch to this card... The abilities are only active in the Christmas Season *dun dun dun*, which means this card is useless, case closed!
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