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  1. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Kilian Dermoth in Natur / Frost Nature / Ice   
    1. Tower weg, ist auf der Map nicht zu gebrauchen (insbesondere der Stonekintower den du da hast).
    2. Nimm das Lilane Juwelenaug (NICHT das grüne!), der Schaden sieht zwar nicht so stark aus aber das ist die stärkste Stonekin Karte die es gibt, da der indirekte Giftschaden über Zeit enorm ist.
    3. Empfehle ich Grinder als Kanonenfutter (vor dem Juwelenauge), davon auch nur 3 bis 4 beschwören, der Hauptschaden kommt vom Juwelenauge (am Besten so viele wie möglich).
    4. Schmeiß die anderen T4 Kreaturen raus, die sind schlechter als die von 2. und 3.
    5. Rad der Gaben hilft für etwas mehr Schaden und andere Leute freut der Bonus auch.
    6. Wenn du etwas für T3 brauchst nimm den Steinkrieger blau (NICHT grün!), seine Fähigkeit macht fett Schaden (erfordert aber einen Freezezauber).
    7. Für T2 macht die Klingenbestie recht gut Schaden ist aber schwer zu spielen.
    8. Aggressor ist nur semi-gut, er macht halt zu wenig Schaden für zu viel Energie.
    9. Pack Schadenszauber wie Giftwolke oder den Gewitterzaueber rein (früh einsetze, da beide gegen Massen enorm Damage machen aber gegen einzelne Gegner fast nutzlos sind).
    10. Mach nicht den selben Fehler wie gefühlt 99% aller Frost Spieler und vermeide es Gegner einzufrieren, da sie dadurch 40% oder 50% Schadensreduktion bekommen, was insbesondere Schadensfähigkeiten und Zauber fast nutzlos macht (da freuen sich Feuer und Schatten Spieler immer so richtig...)
    11. Flugeinheiten sind hier bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen eher mittelgut bis schlecht.
    Insgesamt musst du um schnell und effektiv zu sein bei Stonekin auf Massenschaden über Zeit gehen was recht gut funktioniert.
    Wenn es dir aber um Geschwindigkeit geht, dann funktioniert fast jede andere Farbe besser (bis auf rein Natur und rein Frost), jedoch kann man mit den Tipps und wenn man es richtig spielt, recht gut mit Stonekin mithalten (war eines meiner 3 Lieblingsdecks mit denen ich sogar Stufe 10 gemacht habe).
    English Translation (Google):
  2. Sauron liked a post in a topic by NedDeppat in Multiple Accounts   

    I want easy opponents,
    i want not loose ranking points when loosing,
    i want everyone to know my name

    HAHAHAHAHA cmon guys...seriously? and its battleforge fault your friends not understand the terms of a "training match"?

    i have a wish too, i want all cards from beginning because its unfair in pvp if other players pick good cards RNG before i get them
    also i should be able to destroy everyone with a single deck because otherwise its not fun for me to play

    multiple accounts used mostly to annoy new players or boost a main account through trading or pvp queue

    so a big NO , bann them all on all accounts
  3. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Kitsurubami in Multi-Accounting and how does it work?   
    They are not going to tell you how they keep track of multi accounting; because, if people knew how they kept track of it it'd be easier for people to circumvent the system.  Best thing to to is to notify the dev's of your situation and to avoid strange trading (like trading rares/ultra rares for 1 BFP etc.) with your friend as that may be considered suspicious activity between 2 accounts that use the same IP.
  4. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by fiki574 in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement   
    QUOTE: "When bugs like "accepting group invites causing the crash of the world server" got fixed just now, then it seems like there is still a very long way to go until the game is ready for an OB release." 
    ANSWER: There is a lot of context missing from those kinds of changes, because I tend to simplify and generalize those changes for the public so people can read nice changelog instead of the one few pages long, which is pointless and boring, both to write and read.
    QUOTE: "The "in no time" line was already a month ago."
    ANSWER: So? "in no time" is not a valid period/interval of the time itself, thus can last anywhere from 1 month to 1 year (in my point of view).
    QUOTE: "I'm obviously not a programmer but to me it seems very possible that it could very well take another few months until the game is ready for an OB release. "
    ANSWER: Yes, sorry for trying to make this game as bug free as possible. Rather have a stable and working game with satisfied community than unstable and crashing one with people raging for the inability of having servers up for consistent 12 hours.
    QUOTE: "Statements like the above cause unnecessary hype, and when hyped up expectations can't be fulfilled there will be disappointment and ultimately hate. "
    ANSWER: That statement was not intended to create any more hype, I just can't see how you got that feeling out of it.
  5. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by fiki574 in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement   
    It's not our own fault that EA failed miserably and had to shut down this game. Is there any other alternative to playing this game? No, there isn't, so I guess you'll have to wait a tad bit longer for this to come out, whether you like it or not. I've been working on this project for almost 3 years now, and still getting bashed by "people" like you.  We don't owe anything to anyone, let that sink in first!
    No one is a passive aggressive b***h, I don't know how you people making psychological assumptions based on a single sentence.
    Also, better watch your mouth, you're certainly breaking forum rules.
  6. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Raishinshi in [Forum Game] Rate the song!   
    Crazy but 7,5/10
    Paluch "List w butelce" prod. Sergiusz  ( letter bottle )
  7. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by BurningWorld in [Forum Game] Rate the song!   
    25/10 I LOVE YOU KUBA  
    Jokes aside the song is really good man, reminds me a bit of Cigarettes After Sex (the band :D) maybe because the video contains Cigarettes.. Bookmarked it tho  
    I'm listening to much reggae back the last days, and since I think the most of you won't like reggae that much, here take an Electronic remix of a cool reggae song! 
  8. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Modex in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement   
    By reading other people comments i can say that you are the only one who expresses such an opinion. I understand that announcing and then postponing the release is more than annoying, but if you have experience in battleforge server reverse engineering that could help fix current issues and bugs then everyone including staff would gladly accept it. I compare reverse enginering to changing car engine sparkplugs... trough the exaust pipe.. (it is not designed to be done this way).  
    Otherwise i can only suggest to take a deep breath to let your emotions cool, because this isint the first time when OB has been delayed. Most of the people here are making jokes about it and being positive about whole situation. And enjoy next 3 weeks, becausee after them we will have far less time to spare for other activities than Skylords.  
  9. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Heriox in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement   
    Dude, honestly i dont understand this bullshit at all.... DO you really think they gave dates just to fool us ?? No, they though they will be finish in this time.. but they faced some unforeseen problems so it took longer then expected. These guys work day in and day out and pretty much fk on their on health to get this project done and u have nothing else to do then complaining?? Keep in mind.. that they arent a professional buisness with many of ppl who works on the same project... they are, if i am not wrong, only 3 ppl. 3 Ppl for a game like this, isent much in my oppinion. I really appreciate that they do it... they do it for free and just finance all the stuff by donating no payments. It is maybe sad that they couldnt do it in time like they wanted.... But this shitstorm is totally unfair nobody of u... would take the work on himself and would rebuild/reborn the game.

    Its sad and horrific how ppl are complaining soo much about it... we all waited like years... now they are close to be finish with the game and u guys just hate them because they didnt finish it on the date they said.
  10. Necrospaz liked a post in a topic by NedDeppat in Multiple Accounts   

    I want easy opponents,
    i want not loose ranking points when loosing,
    i want everyone to know my name

    HAHAHAHAHA cmon guys...seriously? and its battleforge fault your friends not understand the terms of a "training match"?

    i have a wish too, i want all cards from beginning because its unfair in pvp if other players pick good cards RNG before i get them
    also i should be able to destroy everyone with a single deck because otherwise its not fun for me to play

    multiple accounts used mostly to annoy new players or boost a main account through trading or pvp queue

    so a big NO , bann them all on all accounts
  11. sylvix95 liked a post in a topic by NedDeppat in Multiple Accounts   

    I want easy opponents,
    i want not loose ranking points when loosing,
    i want everyone to know my name

    HAHAHAHAHA cmon guys...seriously? and its battleforge fault your friends not understand the terms of a "training match"?

    i have a wish too, i want all cards from beginning because its unfair in pvp if other players pick good cards RNG before i get them
    also i should be able to destroy everyone with a single deck because otherwise its not fun for me to play

    multiple accounts used mostly to annoy new players or boost a main account through trading or pvp queue

    so a big NO , bann them all on all accounts
  12. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Hoobs in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement   
    I've been waiting for 4 and a half years, another few months is nothing. Love you guys for this!
  13. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Matejob in Multiple Accounts   
    I am sorry if my English is not good enough to understand but if you fully read it , i said "people who cant play the game for fun and cant take a lose cus they want to experiment" That was ment for the ones that do smurf that they should take a lose if they want to try something why "punish" another lower rank making him lose vs a smurf or more of them , while he is maybe at his peak rank playing it normally . Like i dont want to lose to somebody thats similar to my elo i also dont want to lose vs somebody that a lower elo than me , but i dont even want to PLAY vs somebody thats a higher rank , unless im willing to practice (sparring grounds was kinda made for that) vs him in the first place, playing vs people who are hiding behind an alt is no fun , not cus it might be a loss but cus it can hardly be a win.
  14. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Matejob in Multiple Accounts   
    I did in both of my comments thats why i downvoted yours i guess u might not be reading i didnt downvote theirs cus at least they are explaining, defending it Your comment was like . Meh im not gona be close to those ranks so it doesnt effect me at all and i dont care.
  15. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by DuellLord in Multiple Accounts   
    Nobody stops playing a game he likes just because of getting crushed in one or two games by a low rank...And like I mentioned the same happens if highranks have low activity after not playing some weeks. I would say this happens more often than lowranks beeing crushed from smurfs. I mentioned also that in the matchmaking system of bf you get opponents with a totally different skill level just after a minute or two beeing in queue,  what happened often if your not playing in the early evening in old bf.
    Your reasoning is a possible point of view for someone you doesnt care for ranking or elo and sees the sence of this just as a tool for getting balanced opponents. I think there is no right or wrong.  But on my experience much players care for ranking place and elo. Because of this the diversity of played decks will definitely go lower. There will be definitely a big frustration, if 90 % of blueranks play lost souls, pure fire and fire/nature. In gold ranks it will be not that worse but not much better either. Most important thing for the survival of the game is keeping the players who are still playing. We all hope for a lot of more players, but we all have to watch how potentially new players react to a 9 years old game.
    Which bugs on multiple characters in old bf do you mean? I had three much used characters on one account and cant remember only one bug because of this...
  16. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Matejob in Multiple Accounts   
    Meh i guess its hard to convince people that were already just way to used 2 multi-accounting that it takes time to improve doesnt matter if you lose quick if you give up as quick as u lose than i dont know how to even try to defend my point with the over exaggerateing of the time i would lose in , that doesnt mean you would experiment with the deck that means the second u would lose your lead you would give up. As nofearek said it wouldnt effect his game that only applies to people who dont PVP at all , even you being in 3 lower rank games effects a lot of people cus remember you arent the only one doing it , im not saying you take up all the elo alone but remember if you arent the only one doing it you effect the other ranks . @nofearek9Downvoted cus you gave a really short answer that didnt really have any meaning to it for the community as a whole if you arent effected doesnt mean that other people wouldnt be .
  17. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Matejob in Multiple Accounts   
    Honestly, no form of multi-character/accounts should be allowed, people who cant play the game for fun and cant take a lose cus they want to experiment or so-called "tryhards" shouldn't even play the game if they are playing it for elo and not for the game itself. If you want to play the game and if you are really good (using this as a best example) . Cant you just lose 2 games while trying the new deck , analyze what u could have improved on , cool your head by playing with your main deck to bring you elo back to your average/peak and after that try the experimental deck a few more times , and just repeat that.
  18. AiM liked a post in a topic by NedDeppat in Multiple Accounts   

    I want easy opponents,
    i want not loose ranking points when loosing,
    i want everyone to know my name

    HAHAHAHAHA cmon guys...seriously? and its battleforge fault your friends not understand the terms of a "training match"?

    i have a wish too, i want all cards from beginning because its unfair in pvp if other players pick good cards RNG before i get them
    also i should be able to destroy everyone with a single deck because otherwise its not fun for me to play

    multiple accounts used mostly to annoy new players or boost a main account through trading or pvp queue

    so a big NO , bann them all on all accounts
  19. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by wojt5 in Multiple Accounts   
    For a lot of reasons, like smurfing?
  20. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by tbpeti in Multiple Accounts   
    While on one hand I agree with @ImperatorSK and the fact that it will probably affect the pvp-playerbase after a while on the very high end, but i think it is much more important what @MrXLink wrote in order to keep the newcomers we shouldn't be able to have other accounts. Just think about it, if you were a platinum colored pvp ranker and you tried out other decks, you still would beat the sh*t out of everyone who were even on the low-gold ranks as well, not to mention the lower ranked players. What do you think they would feel after they're facing and getting crushed by an acc that has bronze ranks?! Most likely they ragequit, and maybe they stop playing forever - yeah, this would be a huge overreaction, but it can definitely happen.
    And to @DuellLord and every other players who think about it: ffs, if once you could get to a high rank with one type of deck, you can climb with that back anytime, this way you have the opportunity to try the new decks on higher level. Does it take time? Yes. Does it take away some of your rating? Yes. But on the other hand if you are a high-level player your microing and macroing will be much crisper than those who are not on the same level, regardless of what type of deck you're using. You can outmicro anyone who's lower level with pure nature even if you played lost souls on your main account, doesn't matter, your knowledge of the game is so much higher compared to your opponents that you can beat them easily.
    And why am I saying these things? I myself tested everything on my main account - true, had a small acc while i could have 2 accs on 1 profile, only used that for trading. First I played fire-nature, then tried pure nature, after that tried pure shadow, in the end settled down with shadow-nature, inside it first did the Embalmer-FoF-Soul Splicer combo and then refined my deck to my taste with trying out at least 10 different cards in it - even tried out the snapjaws in ranked games, so don't blame me, but I cannot understand your nonsense.
    Just think about this part as in any moba: what happens when they ban your main champion, or you do not get the role you prefer? Will you just leave the ranked, or deal with it and play with another one even if you know your skills are not on the same level with the different characters?
    Other thing, what @RadicalX and @Eirias mentioned: wait a minute, don't tell me you were annoyed during the battleforge was live because of messages. While you're only a high ranked player you can always put those who bothers you to your ignore-list. As a moderator IMO you have the right to tell them to not bother you. Also, as far as I know only those can see if you are online who added you as friends, and those who actually check the list on the top right, which shows who are standing in the same chat-server as you are.
    Also, there are other parts of using multi accounts - mainly because of the daily quest system is the only way to get bfp, and this could make too big of a discrepancy. While on the same profile having multiple accounts can solve these bfp-problems, but it generates even more bugs that came out while the game was in it's prime time, and that was one of the reasons the EA shut it down previously.
    All in all: I totally agree with the decision that was made to disable the multi-accounting, because it disrupts the game.
  21. RainZy liked a post in a topic by NedDeppat in Multiple Accounts   

    I want easy opponents,
    i want not loose ranking points when loosing,
    i want everyone to know my name

    HAHAHAHAHA cmon guys...seriously? and its battleforge fault your friends not understand the terms of a "training match"?

    i have a wish too, i want all cards from beginning because its unfair in pvp if other players pick good cards RNG before i get them
    also i should be able to destroy everyone with a single deck because otherwise its not fun for me to play

    multiple accounts used mostly to annoy new players or boost a main account through trading or pvp queue

    so a big NO , bann them all on all accounts
  22. Tam Hawkins liked a post in a topic by NedDeppat in Multiple Accounts   

    I want easy opponents,
    i want not loose ranking points when loosing,
    i want everyone to know my name

    HAHAHAHAHA cmon guys...seriously? and its battleforge fault your friends not understand the terms of a "training match"?

    i have a wish too, i want all cards from beginning because its unfair in pvp if other players pick good cards RNG before i get them
    also i should be able to destroy everyone with a single deck because otherwise its not fun for me to play

    multiple accounts used mostly to annoy new players or boost a main account through trading or pvp queue

    so a big NO , bann them all on all accounts
  23. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Graaf_Markus in [Forum Game] Rate the song!   
    7/10 I've heard better electro swing
    Lets shake things up once again, btw you need to listen this with good speakers + a sub
  24. NedDeppat liked a post in a topic by Knippser in Booster Deck   
    F**k T4, Im going all in with T2 :-)

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