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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Going to expand the script from pastebin into this thread for my own reference.

    struct CString
        int Length;
        char Text[Length];
    struct Point
        float X;
        float Y;
        float Z;
    struct Point4D
        float X;
        float Y;
        float Z;
        float W;
    struct Point2D
        float X;
        float Y;
    struct Face
        short Indices[3];
    struct CGeoMesh //seems to rebuild the MeshFile, but with fewer vertices (meshfile seems to have each triangle twice anyway)
        int magic;
        int IndexCount;
        if (IndexCount > 0)
            Face Faces[IndexCount/3]; 
        int VertexCount;
        if (VertexCount > 0)
            Point4D Vertices[VertexCount];
    struct CSkSkinInfo
        int Version;
        int VertexCount;
        struct _VertexWeight
            float Weights[4];
            int BoneIndices[4];
        } VertexWeights[VertexCount];
    struct CDspMeshFile
        int magic;
        local int unknown = -1;
        local int MeshCount = 0;
            int tmp <hidden=true>;
            unknown = tmp;
            int tmp2 <hidden=true>;
            MeshCount = tmp2;
        } else {
            MeshCount = magic;
        Point BoundingBoxLowerLeftCorner1;
        Point BoundingBoxUpperRightCorner1;
        struct sthMesh{
            int VertexCount;
            int FaceCount;
            Face Faces[FaceCount];
            byte MeshCount;
            struct _Mesh
                int FVF;
                int VertexSize; 
                if(FVF == 133121){
                    struct _Vertex{
                        Point vertex;
                        Point vertexNormal;
                        Point2D vertexTexture;
                    } Vertex[VertexCount];
                } else if(FVF==12288){
                    struct FVF30{
                        float uk[6];
                    } fvf30[VertexCount];
                } else {
                    Printf( "unknown FVF: 0x%X \n", FVF); // CDspStaticMesh::LoadVertices for further analysis
                    float VertexData[VertexCount * VertexSize/4] <fgcolor=cRed>;
             } Meshes[MeshCount] <optimize=false>;
            Point BoundingBoxLowerLeftCorner2; //seems like same BB as before
            Point BoundingBoxUpperRightCorner2;
            short materialID;
            int materialParameters;
            struct TextureParameter {
                int Identifier;
                CString Name;
                int postString;
            struct TextureParameters
                int Length;
                TextureParameter TextureParameters[Length] <optimize=false>;
            struct ColorParameter {
                int Identifier;
                int R;
                int G;
                int B;
            struct ColorParameters {
                int Length;
                ColorParameter colorParameters[Length];
            struct ScalarParameter {
                int Identifier;
                float Value;
            struct ScalarParameters {
                int Length;
                ScalarParameter scalarParameters[Length];
            struct IntegerParameter {
                int Value;
            struct IntegerParameters {
                int Length;
                IntegerParameter integerParameters[Length];
            struct StringParameter {
                CString Name;
            struct StringParameters
                int Length;
                StringParameter stringParameters[Length] <optimize=false>;
            struct VectorParameter {
                int Identifier;
                Point4D Value;
            struct VectorParameters {
                int Length;
                VectorParameter vectorParameters[Length];
            if(materialParameters == -86061050){
                int sthOfMaterialCore;
                int boolParamTransfer;
                TextureParameters textureParameters;
                ColorParameters colorParameters;
                ScalarParameters scalarParameters;
                IntegerParameters integerParameters;
                StringParameters stringParameters;
                VectorParameters vectorParameters;
            } else if (materialParameters == -86061051 || materialParameters == -86061052) {
                int sthOfMaterialCore;
                int boolParamTransfer; //<- boolParamTransfer = ((unsigned int)boolParamTransfer | 1); for 0xFACED0004
                TextureParameters textureParameters;
                ColorParameters colorParameters;
                ScalarParameters scalarParameters;
                IntegerParameters integerParameters;
                StringParameters stringParameters;
            } else if (materialParameters == -86061053) {
                int boolParamTransfer;
                TextureParameters textureParameters;
                ColorParameters colorParameters;
                ScalarParameters scalarParameters;
                IntegerParameters integerParameters;
                StringParameters stringParameters;
            } else if (materialParameters == -86061054) {
                int boolParamTransfer;
                TextureParameters textureParameters;
                ColorParameters colorParameters;
                ScalarParameters scalarParameters;
                IntegerParameters integerParameters;
            } else if (materialParameters == -86061055) {
                int boolParamTransfer; ////<- boolParamTransfer = ((unsigned int)boolParamTransfer | 1);
                TextureParameters textureParameters;
                ColorParameters colorParameters;
                ScalarParameters scalarParameters;
            } else {
                Printf( "unknown materialParameter: 0x%X \n", materialParameters); //CDspMaterialCore::ReadParameters for more
        } meshes[MeshCount] <optimize=false>;
        //Otherwise, Point0=(0,0,0,1) UPoint=(1,1,0,0) VPoint=(0,0,1,1)
        if(unknown >= 0){
            Point4D Point0;
            Point4D UPoint;
            Point4D VPoint;
    struct CSkSkeleton
        int Version;
        int Unknown1;
        int BoneMatrixCount;
        struct BoneMatrix
            struct BoneVertex
                float X;
                float Y;
                float Z;
                int ParentReference; //parentRef[0] = parent index, parentRef[1] = index into CSkSkeleton.dBone array, used in SKA
            } BoneVertices[4];
        } BoneMatrices[BoneMatrixCount];
        int BoneCount;
        struct Bone
            int Version;
            int Identifier;
            CString Name;
            int ChildCount;
            if (ChildCount > 0)
                int Children[ChildCount];
        } Bones[BoneCount] <optimize=false>;
        float Unknown2[16];
    struct CDspJointMap
        int Version;
        int JointGroupCount;
        if (JointGroupCount > 0)
            struct _JointGroup
                int JointCount;
                if (JointCount > 0)
                    short JointIndices[JointCount];
            } JointGroups[JointGroupCount] <optimize=false>;
    struct AnimationSet
        CString Magic;
    	if (Strcmp(Magic.Text, "Battleforge") != 0) Printf("\nerror bad magic AnimSet\n");
        int Count; //Should be <= 6
        if(Count>6) Printf("\nerror count >6\n");
        float Unknown1;
        float Unknown2;
        int Version;
        if (Count >= 6) //> should not happen -> Count == 6
            if (Version >= 2)
                byte Unknown4;
                byte Unknown5;
            if (Version >= 5)
                float Unknown6;
                float Unknown7;
                float Unknown8;
            if (Version >= 6)
                byte Unknown9;
        int ModeAnimationKeyCount;
        struct _ModeAnimationKey
            int Type;
            CString Magic2;
            int Unknown11;
            if (Type == 1)
                int Unknown12;
                short Unknown13;
                int Unknown14;
                byte Unknown15;
                int Unknown16;
                int Unknown17;
                int Unknown18;
                byte Unknown19;
            else if (Type == 2 || Type == 3 || Type == 4 || Type == 5)
                int Unknown20;
                short Unknown21;
            else if (Type == 6)
                int Unknown22;
                short Unknown23;
                int Unknown24;
                short Unknown24;
            } else Printf("\n uk modeAnimType %d\n",Type);
            int UnknownLength;
            struct _UnknownStructure
                int Unknown25;
                int Unknown26;
                CString Unknown27;
                if (Unknown25 >= 4)
                    int Unknown28;
                    int Unknown29;
                if (Unknown25 >= 5)
                    byte Unknown30;
                if (Unknown25 >= 7)
                    byte Unknown31;
            } Unknowns[UnknownLength] <optimize=false>;
        } AnimationKeys[ModeAnimationKeyCount] <optimize=false>;
        if (Count >= 3)
            short Unknown32;
            if (Unknown32 >= 1)
                int len;
                struct UnknownStruct123{
                    int uk123;
                    short uk124;
                        int uk125;
                        int uk126;
                        struct UKStruct1234{
                            short uk1234;
                                int uk1236[5];
                        } uk1234[3] <optimize=false>;
                        short uk127;
                } unknown123[len] <optimize=false>;
            if (Unknown32 >= 2)
                int len1;
                struct _UnknownStruct2
                    int Unknown36;
                    int Unknown37;
                    int Unknown38;
                } Unknowns2[len1];
        if (Count >= 4)
            short Unknown39;
            if (Unknown39 == 2)
                int Unknown40;
                struct _UnknownStruct3
                    int Unknown41;
                    CString Unknown42;
                    int Unknown43;
                    int Unknown44;
                    struct _UnknownStruct4
                        int Unknown45;
                        int Unknown46;
                        int Unknown47;
                        int Unknown48;
                        int Unknown49;
                        int Unknown50;
                        int Unknown51;
                        int Unknown52;
                    } Unknowns4[Unknown44];
                } Unknowns3[Unknown40] <optimize=false>;
            else if (Unknown39 == 1)
                int Unknown53;
                struct _UnknownStruct5
                    int Unknown54;
                    CString Unknown55;
                    int Unknown56;
                    int Unknown57;
                    struct _UnknownStruct6
                        int Unknown58;
                        int Unknown59;
                        int Unknown60;
                        int Unknown61;
                        int Unknown62;
                    } Unknowns6[Unknown57];
                } Unknowns5[Unknown53] <optimize=false>;
    struct AnimationTimings{
        int magic;
            short version;
            struct Time{
                short len;
                struct Sth8{
                    int uk; 
                    if(version==4 || version == 2 || version == 3){
                        int uk2;
                        short uk;
                    short len2;
                    struct Sth9{
                        byte uk; 
                        if(version==4) byte uk2;
                        short len3;
                        struct Sth10{
                            int uk[6];
                        } sth10[len3]  <optimize=false>;
                    } sth9[len2] <optimize=false>;
                } sth8[len] <optimize=false>;
            } time <optimize=false>;
            if(version==3 || version==4) {
                struct TimeV3{
                    int len;
                    struct Sth7{
                        int uk[2];
                    } sth7[len];
                } time3 <optimize=false>;
        } else Printf("\nbad animTimings magic\n");
    struct DrwResourceMeta {
        int uk[2];
        CString uk;
    struct SthSound{
    	byte sthSoundFile;
    	short uk;
    	int uk1[5];
    	CString uk2;	
    struct EffectSet{
        short type;
        CString checksum;
        if(type == 10 || type == 11 || type == 12){
            if(type==10) byte uk[20];
            int len;
            struct skelEff{
                CString skelFileName;
                int len1;
                struct WavHolder{
                    int uk2[2];
                    float one;
                    int uk3[7];
    				if(type>=12) byte uk4;
                    byte FF;
                    int len2;
                    struct Wav{
                        byte id;
                        CString wavFileName;
                    } wav[len2] <optimize=false>;
                } wavHolder[len1] <optimize=false>;
            } skelEffekts[len] <optimize=false>;
    		short len4;
    		struct Uks3{
                short uk1;
                int uk2[5];
                short uk3;
    			short len6;
    			SthSound sthSound2[len6] <optimize=false>;		
    		} uks3[len4] <optimize=false>;
    		short len3;
    		struct Uks1{
    			short uk;
    			int uk1[5];
    			short uk2;
    			short len4;
    			struct Uks2{
    				short uk;
    				int uk1[5];
    				short uk2;
    				short len5;
    				SthSound sthSound[len5];
    			} uks2[len4] <optimize=false>;
    		} uks1[len3] <optimize=false>;
        } else if(type == 7 || type == 8 || type == 9){//needs testing, no file with this type found
    		Printf("\nwarning, untested code");
            short len6;
    		struct Uks4{
    			short uk;
    			short len7;
    			SthSound sthSound3[len7];	
    		} uks4[len6] <optimize=false>;
    		short len8;
    		struct Uks5{
    			short uk1;
    			short len9;
    			SthSound sthSound4[len9];		
    		} uks5[len8] <optimize=false>;
    struct CDrwLocatorList{
        int uk;
        int version;
    		int len;
    		struct UK2{
                int uk1[12];			
    			int uk3[2];
    			CString str2;
    		} uk2[len]  <optimize=false>;
        } else if(version==5){
            int len;
            struct Uk1{
                int uk1[12];
                int uk2[2];
                CString str;
                int uk3;
            } uk1[len] <optimize=false>;
        } else Printf("\nnot implemented locator list version %d\n",version);
    struct CGeoOBBTree{
    	int magic;
    		int id;
    			byte uk[4096];
    		} else if(id==2){
    			byte uk[4096];
    			int len1;
    			struct Uks123{
    				int64 uk1;
    				short uk2[3];
    				short uk3;
    			} uks123[len1];
    		} else if(id==3){
    			int len2;
    			float asd[len2*64/4];
    			int len3;
    			short uk6[len3*3];
    	} else Printf("\n invalid obb tree file\n");
    local string filter = "*";
    int Magic <fgcolor=cBlue>; //0xC57CF11E
    	int NumberOfModels <fgcolor=cBlue>; //Must be 1; confirmed everywhere 1
    	int NodeInformationOffset <fgcolor=cBlue>; 
    	int NodeHierarchyOffset <fgcolor=cBlue>; 
    	uint NodeCount <fgcolor=cBlue>; //Node count
    	if (NodeCount != 0)
    		struct _RootNodeInfo{
    			byte zeros[16]; //confirmed zero
    			int negOne <format=hex>; //confirmed
    			int one;//confirmed
    			int uk2;
    			int zero;//confirmed zero
    		} RootNodeInfo <fgcolor=cBlue>;
    		struct _NodeInformation
    			int magic;
    			int Identifier;
    			int Offset;
    			int Size;
    			byte uk[16]; // set to 0 didnt break anything
    		} NodeInformation[NodeCount-1] <fgcolor=cBlue>;
    		struct _RootNode
    			int RootIdentifier;
    			int Unknown;
    			CString rootName;
    		} RootNode <fgcolor=cBlue>;
    		local int i = 1;
    		struct _Node
    			local int NodeIndex = i;
    			int InfoIndex;
    			CString Name;
    			int Unknown; //ChildCount?
    			local int j;
    			local int64 oldPosition;
    			for (j = NodeCount-2; j >= 0; j--) 
    				if (NodeInformation[j].Identifier != NodeIndex)
    				oldPosition = FTell();
    				if (NodeInformation[j].Size > 0)			//CGeoPrimitiveContainer always has size 0
                        if(Strcmp(Name.Text,filter)==0 || Strcmp("*",filter)==0){ 
    						if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CGeoMesh") == 0)
    							CGeoMesh Mesh;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDspJointMap") == 0)
    							CDspJointMap JointMap;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CSkSkinInfo") == 0)
    							CSkSkinInfo SkinInfo;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CSkSkeleton") == 0)
    							CSkSkeleton Skeleton;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDspMeshFile") == 0)
    							CDspMeshFile MeshFile;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "AnimationSet") == 0)
    							AnimationSet AnimationsSet;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "AnimationTimings") == 0)
    							AnimationTimings animationTimings;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "DrwResourceMeta") == 0)
    							DrwResourceMeta drwResourceMeta;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "EffectSet") == 0)
    							EffectSet effectSet;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDrwLocatorList") == 0)
    							CDrwLocatorList locList;
    						else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CGeoOBBTree") == 0)
    							CGeoOBBTree obbTree;
    						else {
    							Printf("\nunknown Node Name %s \n",Name.Text);
    							byte Data[NodeInformation[j].Size];
    			i = i + 1;
    		} Nodes[NodeCount-1] <optimize=false, fgcolor=cBlue>;
    } else Printf("\n unknown drs magic");


  2. Going to necro this thread, here's a 010 editor script, have an update for the DRS structure, currently stuck at CDspMeshFile, will continue work tomorrow. Thanks Pesmontis for some documentation.

    struct CString
        int Length;
        char Text[Length];
    struct Point
        float X;
        float Y;
        float Z;
    struct CGeoMesh
        int Version;
        int IndexCount;
        if (IndexCount > 0)
            short Indices[IndexCount]; //Just a guess
        int VertexCount;
        if (VertexCount > 0)
            struct _Vertices
                float X; //X
                float Y; //Y
                float Z; //Z
                float W; //Direction?
            } Vertices[VertexCount];
    struct CSkSkinInfo
        int Version;
        int VertexCount;
        struct _VertexWeight
            float Weights[4];
            int BoneIndices[4];
        } VertexWeights[VertexCount];
    struct CDspMeshFile
        int Version;
        int Unknown1;
        int MeshCount;
        Point BoundingBoxLowerLeftCorner1;
        Point BoundingBoxUpperRightCorner1;
        //float Unknown2[12];
        int VertexCount;
        int FaceCount;
        struct Face
            int16 Indices[3];
        } Faces[FaceCount];
        byte VertexFVF[5];
        int GeometryVertexSize;
        struct GeometryVertex
            Point Position;
            Point Normal;
            //byte Normall24[4];
            struct _TextureCoordinate
                float U;
                float V;
            } TextureCoordinate;
            //int BoneCount;
        } GeometryVertices[VertexCount];
        //Point BoundingBoxLowerLeftCorner2;
        //Point BoundingBoxUpperRightCorner2;
        //float unknown01;                // value = -8.884623E+09;
        /*struct _Textures
            byte Magic[2];
            int Unknown;
            struct _TextureSet
                int TextureCount;
                char Identifier[4];
                CString Name;
                float unknown;       // array size unknown (!): cause of sync. errors.
                                                //  usually just one float, but irregularities here
                                                //   have given cause to hardcoded exceptions
                                                //    (eg. building_beast_altar_main.drs);
            } TextureSet;
        } Textures;*/
    struct CSkSkeleton
        int Version;
        int Unknown1;
        int BoneMatrixCount;
        struct BoneMatrix
            struct BoneVertex
                float X;
                float Y;
                float Z;
                int ParentReference; //parentRef[0] = parent index, parentRef[1] = index into CSkSkeleton.dBone array, used in SKA
            } BoneVertices[4];
        } BoneMatrices[BoneMatrixCount];
        int BoneCount;
        struct Bone
            int Version;
            int Identifier;
            CString Name;
            int ChildCount;
            if (ChildCount > 0)
                int Children[ChildCount];
        } Bones[BoneCount] <optimize=false>;
        float Unknown2[16];
    struct CDspJointMap
        int Version;
        int JointGroupCount;
        if (JointGroupCount > 0)
            struct _JointGroup
                int JointCount;
                if (JointCount > 0)
                    short JointIndices[JointCount];
            } JointGroups[JointGroupCount] <optimize=false>;
    char Magic[4]; //0xC57CF11E
    int NumberOfModels; //Must be 1
    int NodeInformationOffset; //Offset to node information?
    int NodeHierarchyOffset; //Offset to node names?
    uint NodeCount; //Node count
    if (NodeCount != 0)
        //Always a root node with Identifier, conflicting
        struct _NodeInformation
            uint Checksum <format=hex>; //CRC32 probably
            int Identifier;
            int Offset;
            int Size;
        } NodeInformation[NodeCount];
        struct _RootNode
            int RootIdentifier;
            int Unknown;
            CString rootName;
        } RootNode;
        local int i = 1;
        struct _Node
            local int NodeIndex = i;
            int Identifier;
            CString Name;
            int Unknown; //ChildCount?
            local int j;
            local int64 oldPosition;
            for (j = NodeCount - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (NodeInformation[j].Identifier != NodeIndex)
                oldPosition = FTell();
                if (NodeInformation[j].Size > 0)
                    if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CGeoMesh") == 0)
                        CGeoMesh Mesh;
                    else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDspJointMap") == 0)
                        CDspJointMap JointMap;
                    else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CSkSkinInfo") == 0)
                        CSkSkinInfo SkinInfo;
                    else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CSkSkeleton") == 0)
                        CSkSkeleton Skeleton;
                    else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDspMeshFile") == 0)
                        CDspMeshFile MeshFile;
                        byte Data[NodeInformation[j].Size];
            i = i + 1;
        } Nodes[NodeCount - 1] <optimize=false>;


  3. Here's CGeoMesh.

    int Version;
    int Length;
    if (Length > 0)
        short Indices[Length]; //Just a guess
    int Length2;
    if (Length2 > 0)
        struct _Points
            float Unknown1; //X
            float Unknown2; //Y
            float Unknown3; //Z
            float Unknown4; //Direction?
        } Points[Length2];


  4. Hereby also the DRS file format. File formats for the classes will follow.

    struct CString
        int Length;
        char Text[Length];
    char Magic[4]; //0xC57CF11E
    int ChunkFileVersion; //Must be 1
    int NodeInformationOffset; //Offset to node information?
    int NodeHierarchyOffset; //Offset to node names?
    uint NodeCount; //Node count
    if (NodeCount != 0)
        struct _NodeInformation
            uint Checksum <format=hex>; //CRC32 probably
            int Identifier;
            int Offset;
            int Size;
        } NodeInformation[NodeCount];
        local int nodeCount = 0;
        struct Node
            int Identifier;
            struct _NodeData(int child)
                CString Name;
                int ChildCount;
                if (child == 1 && ChildCount > 0)
                    MessageBox(idOk, "Error", "Recursive node layout not yet supported");
                nodeCount = nodeCount + 1;
            } Parent(0);
            if (Parent.ChildCount > 0)
                _NodeData Children(1)[Parent.ChildCount] <optimize=false>;
        int Unknown;
        while (nodeCount < NodeCount)
            Node Nodes <optimize=false>;
        local int i;
        for (i = 0; i < NodeCount; i++)
            if (NodeInformation[i].Size > 0)
                struct _Section
                    byte Data[NodeInformation[i].Size];
                } Section <optimize=false>;


  5. Hey guys, I thought I'd give you guys a hand, this is the structure of the SKA file. Many unknowns ofc. Did not have the time to take a look at those ;)

    char Magic[4]; //0xA7148107
    uint Type;
    if (Type < 2 || Type > 7)
    int Length;
    struct _Headers
        uint Unknown1;
        uint Unknown2;
        uint Unknown3;
        uint Unknown4;
    } Headers[Length];
    int Length6;
    uint Unknown1[Length6];
    struct _Unknown2
        uint Unknown1;
        uint Unknown2;
        uint Unknown3;
        uint Unknown4;
        uint Unknown5;
        uint Unknown6;
        uint Unknown7;
        uint Unknown8;
    } Unknown2[Length6];
    if (Type == 2)
        int Unknown1;
    else if (Type == 3)
        int Unknown2;
        int Unknown3;
    else if (Type == 4)
        int Unknown3;
        int Unknown4;
        int Unknown5;
        int Unknown6;
    else if (Type == 5)
        int Unknown3;
        int Unknown4;
        int Unknown5;
        int Unknown6;  
        int Length3;
        int Unknown6[Length3];  
    else if (Type == 6)
        int Unknown3;
        int Unknown4;
        int Unknown5;
    else if (Type == 7)
        int Unknown1;
        int Unknown2;
        int Unknown3;
        int Unknown4;
        int Unknown5;
        int Length3;
        int Unknown6[Length3];
        int Length4;
        long Unknown7[Length4];
        int Length5;
        byte Unknown8[Length5];


  6. My name is Blank and I am a 23 year old electrical engineering student. As a hobby I have been programming since the age of ~12. Additionaly since the age of 15 I have been diving into reverse engineering and malware analysis. For work I am a security consultant giving large institutions advice on their IT security.

  7. [quote='Dawn' pid='1613' dateline='1435055540']
    ook but i will keep posting card files to you :D but ok i will put it in some bigger update

    Hey Dawn,

    Here is something that might help you. These files seem to contain all text in the game. IF you want it in different languages let me know.


  8. Mine is intended as a crossover between Mr. X and a link/crosslink. And I mean THIS kind of cross link, darnit:


    Heck, I'm even fine with Hyperlink or Chain Link references, just keep the Zelda references away! >_

    The story of my nick, Insanehawk did it. As for you, I will call you isoprene from now on.

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