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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. what you consider a "spare card" @Metanolo?
  2. well right now you can get 100 BFP from this system per day. But if it would be per each hour, you can get it 24 times per day. And that would be much higher reward for same risk, and would increase risk of people building farms of PCs faking to play BF to gain maximum rewards.
  3. simply said it would encourage multi-accounting to get 3200 BFP multiple times each day.
  4. You mean using cheats/trainers/cheat engine/or some more questionable way? 🤔
  5. I believe these 3 to be BattleForge on Insane god map. What I was trying to point out is that CPU performance is relative, as you can see the CPU driver did not even recognized it as an "important" load (maybe because windows is swapping it between cores too much)), so CPU driver decided to keep CPU frequency low at 2,68 GHz instead of 4+ GHz. You have 4 core CPU so relative percentages, are 1 main core + less than a core, because wast majority of things is happening on an single core, even modern games did not find solution to this limit. (Yes there are examples of games offloading quite significant chunks of work to other cores, or having so many independent tasks that they can create illusion of actually utilizing all the cores, and not being limited by single core performance) Did you try after yesterday's patch? there was some change that could help on Windows 7, but you said you have upgraded to Windows 10, and so far no one else reported any issues, on windows 10. If 39% of 4 cores is "ridiculous cpu usage %", what CPU usage did you have before?
  6. What is "high" by your definition? I think 5% of my CPU is extremely high when consumed by BF. What kind of spikes? Garbage collector type of spikes? IO wait type of spikes? Are you on ancient OS? Like Windows 7? And about the crash I have no clue why it crashed in "Selection Donut", or even what that "Selection Donut" is 😞
  7. 😮 this is first time someone complain that some maps are easier, I did not think they are that much easier...
  8. Your issue is totally different, the game is missing shader for some material.
  9. yes 60, 0 is inner size 2 is ID of inner data 6x8B are state hashes 4B count of figures on the map 4B count of entities on map (figures, squads, walls, players, monuments, script markers, ...) 4B step
  10. 869 upgrades sorted and shown in one and half second does not sounds too slow on CPU running at only 2 GHz
  11. @4esan4o95 can you please delete `global_config.json` so it is not causing any confusion later
  12. You mean the option isn't there? Or why it doesn't allow you to do it?
  13. I can not found conclusive information about windows 7 😞 in the task manager (that you have already open) can you right click BattleForge.exe, and chose "Create Dump file", then send me the file.
  14. global_config.json can you put this file to the game directory (where `BattleForge.exe`, and `SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe` are) and starting it again
  15. can you try `StartBattleForgeDev.bat` instead of `SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe` to see if the game will start?
  16. any logs? And what version of windows do you have? @RNG Golvigstein same questions to you. Any logs? and What version of windows you have?
  17. 🤔 would you be interested in showing us how to do that?
  18. 🤔 what existing afk checks are you talking about?
  19. Well on my PC 16x and 32x is no difference both are about 6-14x depending on how much is happening on the screen, and because I have specified vsync and FPS cap (that I am trying to enforce) so unless BF goes crazy (which sometimes happen) it can not go any higher than 16.6x. Technically there SHOULD NOT be any difference between playing at different speeds, because it just does list of operations, and then checks the timer and waits until next tick when it should do next list. Desync in replays have nothing to do with longer maps having higher probability of desync, because EA decided to use imprecise math, once the match desync, even if it is for players still not noticeable, the replay might desync too. And by the way is that on test server? I think replay desync messages did not make it to main server last patch 🤔 If you have replay that is inconsistent early and gives desync messages I would be interested in it, but I do not want to wait half an hour for single test.
  20. I mean 3-4 characters long numbers separated by comma and space for readability, but sure you can go crazy and say car requires 13 bits, upgrades and charges another 3, so you can do 80 hex characters, or use base64 and use only 56 characters... Problem is implementing that for our sides...
  21. 20 numbers is not too long, and I think making it semi-readable also for humans makes it much better
  22. why hash? Hash should never be reversible 😄 why not just list of card IDs?
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