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  1. I know nobody cares, but last sunday really made me appreciate the few responsibilites I had as a young adult Thanks for the tournament, especially to organizers, casters, players, sponsors, mods and viewers! Had a lot of fun participating GGs to all! My glorious exit series (lol) from the tournament in the lower bracket semi finals vs Alphabet got featured on the stream ✌️ next time morklay with the proper upgrades will be there 😄 honestly didn't imagine I'd make it this far, props to @desconhecido and @Eirias who played good games! Until there's an offical replay hub, i uploaded my replays on http://bfleague.com/?view=PVP . maybe some other players had some notworthy games that weren't on stream? Feel free to share
  2. Hi Skylords, apologies in advance for spelling & in case I picked the wrong subforum. I recently posted a status update encouraging people to use the replay-website bfleague.com. 5 days ago I got ingame modmail asking me if it's my site or if i'm just using it (see screenshot attached). Note to devs: It wasn't possible for me to reply ingame! I'm making this thread for two reasons: I'm not affiliated with bfleague.com in any way and just stumbled over it in the forums I think an offical replay hub should be high priority for stronger community bonding , higher player engagement overall and a healthier pvp scene As mentioned in some forum threads, there has been a replay repository that existed in the battleforge days. Frankly, I do not know who ran it and how much it was really used. Anecdotally back in the day, my bf homies and I ended up on bfcards.info to check how to beat an expert campaign map. We all started to use the site regulary and watch high rank PvP replays- probably the most defining factor that made us try competing in 1vs1 instead of PvE and 2vs2 only. Shortly after the skylords release in 2020, i vaguely recall some dev account posting they are "working on their own solution" (for a replay site). I checked the community updates so far, but am not aware of any follow up. Today, (forum search) the current and "most offical-seeming" reply found on this specific topic was: If there are any other projects or developement updates i am not aware of please let me know! I feel the skylords project would be well advised to launch an offical version of this service, and not put in on the usual skylords timeframe (no offense, thanks for all the amazing and time-consuming hornorary work all of you do, but you know what i mean). Suggestion: set an offical replay site — even if just barebones — to be a priority to release with the next balancing update. As @dreaddy has shown, the technical part is already covered. His site just lacks some structure and maybe some bonus features like "show winner". A replays.skylords.eu site like this could also be a good place to feature replays of bigger events like the PvE Community Contests or Toggy's tournaments and make skylords.eu more of a community hub for the playerbase as it currently is. What do you guys think? Any of you used a replay site back in the day? Do you think a site like this is negligible? If there have been any offical updates on this topic that were missed, I humbly apologize Kind regards
  3. did you know:

    you can find and share replays on bfleague.com -(not my site)

  4. Hi guys, a bit of a wall of text while i escape the heat after work, hope the formatting works out. You wouldn't know me. Just know i enjoy competitive RTS and had around 60 ladder games on Skylords, but stopped around march(?), when most PvP players left. I'm posting this in hope of getting some more opponents on the ladder in the future. I highly appreciate the map and balance changes, though i guess a little too late, as even during EU rush hours, PvP is mostly quite empty - or maybe right now everyone is just catching up on that sweet vitamin D? I think there could be some other improvements made to make PvP even more attractive: Major Issues I see with free PvP Decks: Some decks are outdated Example: all Fire T1 Decks still have Mortar Tower. Since the changes only usable by very good players and not suitable for free tier imo. Cards that got viable through balance changes are completely absent as well Decks are too meta Kind of a Catch-22. I guess it makes sense to give out the top meta decks defined by the successful players to put everyone on equal footing, but this leads to most folks deviating only by a few cards from the decklist, and the meta reinforces itself. I guess players that are still active now are getting quite creative - but during the PvP Surge a few months back, for 4/5 games felt quite stale vs the same Lost Souls or Stonekin decks and if new players arrived, this would definitely repeat. Also it feels like some insanely strong cards get disregarded. Maybe i'm just too nooby... but what about Treespirit?! I think since the phase tower nerf this could easily make Nature T1 the strongest. Quite the unfun card though, so guess i'm glad this isn't played. Minor Issues I see with free PvP Decks changing free decks = keeping (half-)empty deck lists Really not a big deal, just a bit messy and not very elegant imo. Did this bother anyone else? Deck lists discourage deck building Free deck lists diminish one of the defining aspects of trading card games: Building your own Deck. To be fair you could still tinker up your deck from scratch, but realistically you'd copy a deck list and change it from there. I think it's a bit of a tricky situation: on one hand, i already conceded that the deck lists were a good addition and I also think having a "foundation deck" is benefical for building new decks, but on the other hand it takes away some of the (impossible to quantify) magic & personal attachement to a deck. Does that make sense? Can you relate? My suggestions for free PvP: I believe all of those issues could be resolved by: Adding additional Deck lists per faction, like: Themed decks, like Fire+Nature featuring more Twilight Cards Decks built around some specific strategy, like Frost+Fire built around Homesoil + Rallying Banner + Lyrish Knight, Decks with no T3 / Decks with expanded T3 Structure-focused decks A 2vs2 deck with a T4 card "Foundation Decks" with just some core cards + open card slots you could even turn suggestions for new deck lists into a community contest Giving all PvP Cards // OR // Keeping the rotation-concept, but instead of 2 Decks give 2 complete colours Again, I'm grateful for free PvP Cards. But overall the "being-locked-out-of-changing-my-style-for-a-week" while not having built up a personal card-/gold-pool yet, + having had a hard time finding a "personal-flair-main-deck" due to the meta staleness just left me rather frustrated than happy and ultimately lead to me quitting the game once already. Despite being a huge fan of the mechanics. Introduce a Monthly / Seasonal Ladder + Alltime Ladder PvE Rankins already have an option to filter the time frame! PvP Ladder right now just shows around 80 active players. For some fresh wind, i suggest a monthly or seasonal (something from weekly to up to 3 months) ladder, that shows just top 100 players (if playerbase is big again maybe 200 again) and starts anew in the next month/season ASAP. At the end of month / season, you could give some goodies like Extra Boosters / Extra Gold / Extra Avatar to high rankers to increase playing incentive. Past Months/Seasons could be saved like in PvE Rankings. Maybe there could even be a non-saved daily ladder ranking with gold/very small bfp reward? I think that could be a better incentive than the PvP daily quests and would would give you an extra pointer to whos active today beside the playerlist in the PvP lobby +maybe we get some interesting rivalries. Alltime Ladder should be non-resetting and have no activity decay, would be just a acummulation of all seasons(so no extra queue), and show everybody that RadicalX is still boss. Give extra Ranks / Avatar / Frame / Promo to high rankers. Could make a monthly/seasonal ladder feel more interesting when you see an alltime legend is competing. Edit: Fixed some spelling errors and just some afterthought: Maybe ELO-Rank classes could be rebelanced in general? I remember back in the Battleforge days the highest rank was Legend (Pointy Gold Shield IV). I remember the huge gravitas around the gold ranks. Of course due to the ELO creep gold ranks got common and new ranks were necessary at some point, but with the player base as is, how about balancing the ELO threshold so just around Top 15 Players get gold ranks, and ~top 3 gets teal ranks regardless of ELO ? Could improve the value-feeling of ranks and incite competition You guys have any thoughts on this? Don't dry up in the heat folks, have a good week and see you on ladder, gl hf
  5. My case was not to take the free pvp cards away from players though, for me it's about the precrafted decks. and regarding this: To be fair, the way collection mode is implemented with no rankings its obvious and no surprise that it's unpopular, even if I personally like it. I am not in favour of splitting the pvp base further though
  6. Congratz to the winner(s), gg to all and thanks to the organizers and sponsors!
  7. It does "indeed take a long ass time" to what? Get all the cards? Sure, but not one was proposing that.. Even with the least generous approach of just twilight edition: it would literally cost just ~120 BFP to build i.e. the pure frost meta deck! You already get 250 BFP for 45 minutes on a single day, EXCLUDING daily quests. The most expensive cards that could be a hurdle right now would be disenchant or nether warp (which still would be just 4 days of 45 minute play time doing the quests), but i would agree those should be part of a core pool anyways. Also I already conceded that I think it would be better to give all the cards (all // all of faction picked) upgraded and just remove the decks. Honestly I don't really follow. I mean if you gave players non free pvp card whatsoever i can see that, but your 3 choices stand in no context to any suggestion that was made?! that's the exact point i was making AGAINST offering the deck templates and instead giving the cards non-prearranged. I'm really disappointed my english could not get that across. ??? I mean i agree, but what kind of posts have you been reading? "Ah shit, here we go again."
  8. There is just a single other ultra rare card out of the 20 twilight ones in the decks (which is parasite swarm), however i agree that those should be included in a provided pool. Yesterday i edited the op so you might have missed this: to elaborate: I think it would "subliminally increase deck variances" simply by having players go through the process of adding 20 individual cards to the deck and additionally providing some different options. I'm sure cards like wrecker or wrathblades which actually are viable would see more play than they are getting, even by good players. And yeah, everyone is free to just rebuild the meta decks. My suggestion wasn't meant to take anything away from the seasoned pvp players, but make it easier for new players to partake in the deck building and experimenting (which was half the fun for me when i originally played Battleforge), but also making your own collection at least a teeny tiny part of the pvp eco system (though i guess it would be better to simply give all cards upgraded). I think providing this aspect of the original experience to new players should somewhat be part of our responsibility as a community. fair point, but i wonder: when you played battleforge for the very first time, did you need to know every single card to build a deck? Did you immidately blame game balance when your deck wasn't working out? The following is of course anecdotal, but i had a few friends try out the game for the first time this month and they were very interested in pvp - naturally they all got quite overwhelmed by the deck selection at first, but it only took about a day for all of them to regret their deck picks and to get frustrated that they were locked for a week, while simoultaneously only actively using half the cards in their decks when playing matches. I guess noobs will be noobs in some way, but I still think this can't be the best way to handle free pvp. sorry i missed your thread but interesting approach as well. I would prefer at least 3 of 4 colours being available at a given time though. As you said yourself you wouldn't take the ability from new players to just build the meta decks, its just about the extra gameplay process of actually creating your deck. And "few months of grinds" is shamelessly exaggerated, especially for the current skylords economy and any suggestion that was made so far
  9. great meme. I have read this and this which don't really touch on restructuring current pvp in a way of still giving players free upgraded pvp cards to stay competitve, but removing the easy template and incentivizing building and collecting (a bit at least) on their own. Have you actually checked the current PvP decks? Most of the decks only have around 3 non twilight cards you completely missed the point
  10. First off: I played Skylords Reborn for almost a month and want to humbly thank everyone in the project for investing so much time to bring back a wonderful game that was ought to be put to rest almost a decade ago thx. Suggestions: Remove the free pvp decks Replace with every common, uncommon & rare card of the twilight edition, upgraded and charged, (and maybe a few keycards of the other editions) for PvP Reasoning: Lots of new players starting right now who don't know all the cards yet There's rarely any deeper thought in building your deck when one can pick state of the art meta decks We see lots of orb variety (which is nice) but barely any playstyle variety Building a deck on your own lets new players get a better feel for their cards Base edition still strong enough to build good decks (most free pvp decks consist of 17/20 twilight edition cards) Incentivizes building around your own collection Doesn't bind players to the one week rotation Benefits: Revitalizes the collecting aspect of the game Giving low ELO players more room for trying out Doesn't really affect high level ELO players who know what to play Opens up the option to bring back edition based booster packs Economic stimulation Bringing back some magic & personal flavour to deck building & the pvp experience Still giving experienced players the opportunity to get quickly into high level pvp I think free pvp cards are vital and I probably wouldn't be playing without them. However, I don't think giving 2 meta decks per week is the best way to go about it. My suggestion for a smarter approach would be to remove the neatly built decks and instead give the players access to a card pool (either all or a core set) - One could argue that it wouldn't make any difference as players would still just build the meta decks, and it would thereby be benefical to keep the system or at least keep the prebuilt decks in the game interface for cloning, but I think this would be a great opportunity to subliminally promote deck variances. I don't think we are neccessarily doing the noobs a favour by just putting the best cards into their decks for them. I'd argue new players should come to the conclusion which cards are good for what reasons on their own. If a player starts getting serious enough about pvp they can still seek out Hirooo's and RadicalX's PvP Guide or any of the other many resources available. What do you think? Big thanks to all the players as well, especially those contributing to the community. Cheers
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