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Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Iron League - Tutorial Deck Runs
yeah, sadly patches often breaks replays. with tutorial deck, you may still be able to run them and at least see whats happening.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by UltDragon in Patch #400050 - 22 December 2024
22 December 2024
Fix Stonekin Warrior green affinity being able to target non-paralyzed units with its ability. Fix Stonekin Critters from Deepfang being able to heal non-stonekin units with its ability.
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Kapo in PAK-Folders for other Servers: Possibility to Opt-Out?
Folder Size of Paks for Test Server: 1,4GB
Folder Size of Legacy Server: 0,5GB
Folder Size of Internal Server: 1,6GB
For 99% of the time, thats 3,5GB of space wasted for stuff most of us dont use. Is there a possibility to get at least a Opt-Out for all those files?
Especially for the Internal Server, downloading those files to every Installation is a massive waste of HDD space, bandwith, time for checking those files every time we launch the game etc. for something normal players can't even use in any form.
Even better would be a Opt-In.
Majora liked a post in a topic by Kapo in PAK-Folders for other Servers: Possibility to Opt-Out?
Folder Size of Paks for Test Server: 1,4GB
Folder Size of Legacy Server: 0,5GB
Folder Size of Internal Server: 1,6GB
For 99% of the time, thats 3,5GB of space wasted for stuff most of us dont use. Is there a possibility to get at least a Opt-Out for all those files?
Especially for the Internal Server, downloading those files to every Installation is a massive waste of HDD space, bandwith, time for checking those files every time we launch the game etc. for something normal players can't even use in any form.
Even better would be a Opt-In.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by UltDragon in PAK-Folders for other Servers: Possibility to Opt-Out?
There's still some things to solve, but a new updater is in the making.
Would like for it to include an opt-in/out of different servers.
Lets see how it goes.
Dran liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Unexpected Visitors
All in all, the map seems really well-made, and fun to play. Here are still some points that caught my attention:
- The War Eagle guarding the two towers near T2 gets very, very often stuck at the tower for a moment when attacking. Maybe there is something up with the ice crystal model?
- I would give more space at the "outer" path connecting the P1/P2 start position, so people can avoid the towers and eagle to meet up without getting smacked; maybe a nice ice lake or something. It's no benefit for speedrunners, and more casual players could team up before they attack. There is that one spot west of the western Frost Crystal that is unnecessary tight
- The trigger point for the new script phase should be where the gate is, or the gate put farther back - that gate kinda serves no purpose, and it would be a cool "finish" line for that part
- The Mountaineer shooting over the edge at ground units near that trigger point feels off, maybe his path can be changed a little, since he guards the well and not the path (right?)
- The double-wells after the T2 are really heavily guarded... too heavy? Maybe they are ment to be taken later?
- The cooldown for the teleport from the city to the enclave is ultra long (on purpose?); if a unit misses the teleport, all you can do is destroy it
- The Vigils that attack you after teleporting feel kinda off/unfair
- The enclave is kinda tight with space - which is alright, but the placement of the kobold laboratory makes it even worse. Maybe put it a little more to the left side, and also the central construction hut a bit more to the right to not punish players so hard who want to build a Howling Shrine or something (otherwise Necroblaster stays prime forever)
- The attacks at the enclave could be more themed, like mostly-flyers or something
- The Hulks are a mystery, sometimes they directly go for the walls, sometimes they can be distracted. Maybe there is something I dont understand yet, but I think the coolest option would be if they beeline for the walls no matter what, and after their charge they do whatever normal units do.
- The Winter Witch feels too deep in, considering that you always have to walk back too
- The Archfiend in the middle (at the orb) is very trigger-happy due to the patrols; he should be guarding the orb and not help defending the paths
- Not sure if the most eastern Banestone is intentionally that far in, there is such a big gap between the Tower/2-Vigil and the camp with the Banestone that feels unnatural. Alternatively, if you dont want to move it forward, if you change the path from the center (archfiend-orb) leading south a bit more curved to the east it would lead to a more natural route from the enclave to the last banestone, possibly skipping the tower/2-vigil position if you are careful
- The off-map Amii keep/temple between P1 and P2 start position is cute, but floating weirdly on the ice, the edges might need some more map art details
- Can you put some decorative units (Amii civilians?) that run from buildings or wait for the final port to teleport away when the map is won? That would be a nice touch
Kapo liked a post in a topic by JiiPee in Mission: Get copy of each unique card in the game by opening boosters.
My mission started: 03/07/2022
My mission finished: 24/11/2024
It took me 875 days. Last unique card to gain was Ravenheart promo. 4281 is magic booster number what it required. Something like 460 of them was mini/amii boosters which doesnt give you any promos.
I got total of 21 promos from thouse boosters. Another mission I had was getting all charges what also took very long time. It was like summer or something when I finaly got last queekqueek.
I had like 4 months break year ago when I stopped opening boosters and bought rest of the promos what I was missing, which were:
Mo, Rogan Kayle, Construct, Swamp Drake, Razorleaf and Ravenheart
Juggernaut, Grinder, Viridya, Harvester, Firedancer, Fallen Skyelf and Lyrish Knight I already had.
I did that because I knew my luck to get unique promo would end very soon so I just bought rest of the promos to finish my collection. I dont have patience on some things. 😉
In general I havent bought many cards. Oh Snapjaws I also bought because I wasn't playing on beta yet. However I played long long time ago so thats why I knew my mission when I started playing.
My next mission is to get 100 promos from boosters. 😉
Or maybe not. I am not sure yet. Thing is that it would take still very long time. However I can open much more boosters now than I was opening beginning of the game.
First 5 promos, I was opening 2,5 boosters per day on average and it took 293 days.
Last 5 promos, I have been popping almost 19 boosters per day on average and it took 54 days.
Speed has increased alot and in fact I am currently limited by marketplace. I have like 150 boosters waiting for opening and I am trying to maintain 100 cards in marketplace all a time. Still with this speed getting 79 promos would take... 54 / 5 * 79 = 853 days. So about same what it took to get here. Well Mission is not impossible. 😛
What about promo drop chance? Well I think it is already told that its 0,5% and that is quite much what I am seeing right now.
0,49% right now and if we drop mini/amii boosters, then its 0,55%
Kapo liked a post in a topic by THE_BIG_WET in Battle Arena - Discussion Thread
Hello I am a big battlearena enjoyer since original release actually back in the EA era of this game.
I think the mode is great main problem being some cards and some spells that needs to be looked into...
For example gravity surge is very situational most of the time and kinda forces you to use whatever 2nd ability you have which happened to me a couple of time with the nasty surprise as a 2nd ability when i have good t1 t2 or t3 units like frost sorceress or mountaineer avatar(most hp comes from shields) which can stay alive for a while and you dont really want to nasty.
I dont think nasty or gravity surge should be removed but maybe a recycle button for your spells that will put the tower on cooldowns would be a good addition because sometimes the spells can do more harm than good.
I think lost warlord atm needs nerf specificly in battlearena(kind of like Ravenheart is nerf specifically for this mode) he gurantees 4 units on the field(himself,his ability,his resurrected self and his resurrected self ability) way too much power for 1 unit.
Spore launcher is the opposite for example if the enemy team is in the lead and they happen to get spore launcher me and my teammate usually dont attack it and let him sit there while we 2v1 the other guy until the other user catches on and self kill his own unit.(idk if that is something you want to happen in the mode where it is better to kill own unit then to fight and die with it but just to let you guys know)
Those are all my personal issues with the mode atm I do think units like Avatar and Grigori are very powerful but they are on the line of healthy powerful for me since Avatar you kinda need to work as a team with spells and units to take down and focus fire...
And Grigori is a power house if he uses tainted attraction on someones spawn point but again manageable to take down
The Snapjaws ability in the spell towers is bugged but im pretty sure devs are aware and working on fix...
Overall I think the mode is very fun been getting way more matches faster on battlearena this patch than ever before I hope this feedback helps thank you guys for taking the time to polish this mode up to the state it is in today ❤️
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Jodekoek in Community Update - September
I hope the Skylords team knows that most of us appreciate all the work that has been done to make this game playable, free of significant bugs and issues and refreshed with exciting new content. Personally I am all for this amii monument change; but even if I weren't I would not complain simply because I just appreciate that I can play it again after EA so ungracefully shut it down, and for free, and supported by a team of people volunteering their time to it.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Carofex in Community Update - September
I will give 100k BFP to the first player who gives me a replay of Bad Harvest solo on expert difficulty. The Replay must be playable after the Amii-patch, so only the nerfed Amii-monument is allowed. Additionally: No bug-abuses, no relying on rare situations. Spawn-traps are allowed.
Edit: There are already at least one replays to find on youtube from yesterday. So my fears are not fundamental and I cancel my challenge
XanderLord liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Advanced Filtering - collection sorting with search bar commands
What is Advanced Filtering?
Your card collection has clickable filters like rarity, orb colour, and more. But there is also an extremely powerful search bar that accepts special commands to filter your cards. Below you will find a list of all those commands with some explanations. (Please note, due to the necessary formatting, this article will look weird on mobile devices.)
Basic Filters
Command Example promo: + 1 or 0 `promo:1` (Instead of 1/0 you can also use: true/false, yes/no) flying: + 1 or 0 ranged: + 1 or 0 melee: + 1 or 0 name= + exact card name e.g.: `name=Mo` (exact match) name: + part of card name e.g.: `name:enli` name? + approximate card name e.g.: `name?abonimation` class name= e.g.: `class name=Soldier` (exact match) class name: e.g.: `class name:Archer` class name? e.g.: `class name?Dominatrix` ability= e.g.: `ability=swift` ability: ability? class: + ID (or SR assigned name) e.g.: `class:female` rarity: or rarity= + rarity name e.g.: `rarity:rare` affinity: or affinity= + affinity name e.g.: `affinity:shadow` edition: or edition= + edition name (or ID) e.g.: `edition:twilight` colors() e.g.: `colors(nature, !fire, !shadow)` to see only nature, and Stonekin `colors(fire, !other)` to show only fire cards colors=() exact match, e.g. `colors=(fire, nature)` to see only Twilight size: + type e.g.: `size:XL` counter: + type e.g.: `counter:XL` Affinity names: `shadow`, `nature`, `frost`, `fire`, and `-` or `none` for cards without affinity
Edition names: `3` =`twilight`, `4` = `renegade`, `5` = `lostsouls`, `6` = `amii`, `7` = `rebirth`
Color names: `fire`, `frost`, `shadow`, `nature`, `neutral`, `other`
Size and Counter types: `S`, `M`, `L`, `XL`, `special` (special is used for buildings or magic)
Number Range Filters
power + number range e.g.: `power>300` damage + number range e.g.: `damage>500` health + number range e.g.: `health>500` upgrade + number range e.g.: `upgrade<3` to show cards that are missing an upgrade charges + number range e.g.: `charges<3` to show cards that are missing a charge copies + number range e.g.: `copies>4` to show what to reforge ID + number range (mostly for internal/development use and for the search in market feature)
Combining Filters
Logical OR matches at least one of the filters. If one is matching and the other is not, it will return a result.
Logical AND has to match both filters. Only if both conditions apply will it return a result.
Logical NOT inverts the result. Beware that not all filters can be inverted, that's why it may be advisable to use !(filter).
Wrapping the filter with `( )` does not change it in any way, but allows easier organization.
Error Tolerance
? Name
?<number> Name
The question mark will help you to search a text with error tolerance. If you know the card name, but you are not sure about spelling, you may use this. You can also use ?<number> to specify the error tolerance you want, e.g. 'name?5' for up to five typos in the name. If you do not specify the tolerance level, level 3 will be used.
“?Light blade” will find “Lightblade” even though the search input had a space in it – “?1Light blade” would also work (because it only contains just one typo).
Custom Filters
You can create any custom filter you want, `Documents\BattleForge\custom_filter_extensions.json` contains some examples.
In-game you can use `*name*` (where `name` is the name of the custom filter), e.g.: *shiny*
Note: Numbers [0-9] are not allowed for naming custom filters.
Market Place Filtering
Advanced Filters also work on the marketplace – for example, if you want to see all cards that you do not own yet, you can use 'copies<1' to find out:
Filter Examples
class:Dragon Finding dragons for the Draconic Desolation achievement
class:Female What works with Girl Power?
charges=3 & copies>1 Something you might want to sell on the market
charges=3 & copies>4 Something you might want to Reforge
charges<3 & copies>1 All cards not fully charged, but you have additional copy, so you might want to apply it
rarity>2 To see only rare and ultra-rare cards
Suggest your best filters in the comments, so we may add them to the examples!
Keyword List – Languages and Synonyms
Final Notes
There is an always up-to-date version of this information in your Skylords Reborn\docs folder.
Additionally, for more information about why this system was created, and how it works, feel free to read HERE.
A special thanks goes out to @Kubik, who made this awesome feature possible and keeps on developing more features for it.
Kayrie liked a post in a topic by Kapo in [Guide] How to support Skylords Reborn
Not so rarely new Skylords ask a simple question on Discord or the forums: How can I help? As we all wish for more players, there are things you can do to help to make Skylords Reborn succeed. Skylords Reborn can be supported through many actions, some of them are just two minutes for some clicks, others are a long-term commitment.
Important Disclaimer: This guide does not rank people by importance - these are suggestions how to help the game succeed, ranked by their needed involvement level. Also, you don't have to “climb this ladder” to become part of the Skylords Reborn team.
Hopefully some of these suggestions speak to you, and inspire you to take some action:
Quick Tier - the most helpful clicks to settle in
Help drive the most essential metric by subscribing to the official Skylords YouTube channel, and like the trailer. Join the Skylords Discord to stay on top of news, and help build an enjoyable community. Subscribe to the other official Skylords Reborn socials: Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and TikTok. CHAMPION
Basic Tier - become a part of the community
Subscribe to BattleForge content creators, and like their videos if you enjoy them. Participate in events - not just for prizes, but to support event hosts. Make sure beginners are welcomed properly: Answer questions, and play multiplayer maps with them. Read the monthly Community Update and help spread correct information about the state of the project. Interact with forum posts or Discord messages through likes, emoticons etc. - the creators will appreciate that. Make a proper bug report when you encounter a bug or crash. This rarely happens, but: report rule violations, either ingame or on the #contact-staff Discord channel. Suggest the game to people you know that will enjoy a RTS/TCG game, but make sure you coordinate with the Skylords team Outreach Coordinator when contacting high profile people or outlets. HERO
Dedicated Tier - invest some time to make the Skylords experience better
Accompany some Twitch streamers, while the community is still small, one viewer more or less makes a huge difference. Participate in the votes or share your decks on the SMJ community deck section. Become an educator: Help others understand core concepts like void power or faction mechanics, and give advice on expert maps on the ingame strategy channel or on the deckbuilding channel on Discord. Write a beginner guide or a deck building/strategy guide on the forum, or a more general one like the one you are reading right now. Create something: make a painting, a graphic, a short clip, a song, a text, a meme, an animated GIF or just some cookies, and share it in the art, video or meme channel. Become a sponsor of a community contest/event to beef up its prize pool. Join the discussion and give quality feedback on the Balance Discord.
Invested Tier - halfway down the rabbit hole
Become a Contributor: There are several roles that don't require you to join the team, like Map Tester, Translator, Proofreader, Art Critique, or Internal Tester. Get involved into more detail-focussed Discords, like lore, descriptions, mapmaking, or rPvE. Help maintain the Skylords Reborn Wiki by either adding or updating articles. Create an enjoyable community map. Host an event for other Skylords to enjoy, be it PvE, PvP or something else. Contribute to Skylords Open Source projects. Become a content creator on YouTube, or start to stream the game on Twitch.
Maybe this rather long list inspired you to help in one way or another.
As a final suggestion: If you have free resources, you might be interested in joining the Skylords Reborn team and directly work on the game to make it better! Please be aware that almost everybody thinks “I'm not good enough” at first. Don't let that stop you! There are loads of different positions for nearly every skill set.
If you have any suggestion about something I missed, please write it in a comment down below, so I may add it!
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Official PvE Event #12: Faction Fusion: Embrace the Shift - UNTIL 14.02. 23:59 CET
Hey all,
the rewards for the 12th official PvE Event "Faction Fusion" have just been sent out.
If you did not receive your reward or you think you received the wrong one, please contact me as soon as possible, so we can set things straight.
Thank you again for participating, we received an overwhelming amount of entries!
The next events are already in the making and one is just around the corner.🌈
See you in the next event!
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Skylords Reborn in Welcome to our Forum!
Feel free to also join our Discord server since most day-to-day activity and communication happens there: https://discord.gg/HkxG8UdNEn
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in Welcome to our Forum!
Feel free to also join our Discord server since most day-to-day activity and communication happens there: https://discord.gg/HkxG8UdNEn
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Patch #400045 - 27 January 2024
Hotfix - 10 February 2024
Card Fixes
Resolved movement speed issues: cards like Imperial will no longer get stuck in their slow movement mode. -
Serar liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official PvE Event #11: Amii Training Camp - UNTIL 10.01. 23:59 CET
The winners now also received their prizes.
Besides that, I asked Ultralord to scramble in the statistic, and to answer the questions from the stream:
* The fastest Shadow-start was @Serar, with a time of 14:33.
* The total number of Windweavers played in all games was 710.
zz_tophat liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official PvE Event #12: Faction Fusion: Embrace the Shift - UNTIL 14.02. 23:59 CET
Hey Skylords,
If you have a hard time because you are new, I made a low-budget participation run as a blueprint for you:
Good luck on your run! 😃
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official PvE Event #12: Faction Fusion: Embrace the Shift - UNTIL 14.02. 23:59 CET
Hey Skylords,
If you have a hard time because you are new, I made a low-budget participation run as a blueprint for you:
Good luck on your run! 😃
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Official PvE Event #12: Faction Fusion: Embrace the Shift - UNTIL 14.02. 23:59 CET
Hello Skyladies and Skylords,
Welcome to the twelfth official PvE event!
Quick Overview:
Map 1-player random PvE, Map of the Month Difficulty Your choice! Date 01.02.2024 until 14.02.2024 23:59 CET Prizes Boosters and the recently released cards
Rules and Goals:
A new update just came to the game a few days ago, so let's use the opportunity to enjoy the fresh content!
... you can choose which faction you play - Stonekin or Lost Souls. ... you are only allowed to build orbs that fit your faction - Frost and Nature orbs for Stonekin, Frost and Shadow orbs for Lost Souls. ... you are allowed to select any of the newly redesigned difficulties, but the higher you go, the better your chances are at amazing prizes!
What's the Prize Pool?
All entries, that are done at the difficulties Standard, Standard+ and Standard++, as well as Advanced, Advanced+ and Advanced++, will enter a random draw with a 50% chance of winning the new card of their faction (Tectonic Shift / Lost Manabeast), the other 50% will get a faction booster.
All entries done on the difficulties Expert and Expert+ will receive the new card of their faction (Tectonic Shift / Lost Manabeast) AND a faction booster.
How can I participate?
Everyone with an ingame account can participate in the event, there is no need to sign up separately.
To enter, you just have to send in your best replay, including the player name and the faction used, to Metagross31 on Discord (metagross31) or the forum (@Metagross31)
Battleforge automatically saves a replay of your last game. You can find your replays here: Documents=>Battleforge=>replays
To save me some time, please rename the replay to the following name format: <your_faction>_<your_difficulty>_<your_name>.pmv (e.g. "Stonekin_standardplusplus_Majora.pmv")
You can send in your replays until 14.02.2023 23:59 CET.
I will update the below as questions are asked throughout the event.
Future events
If you are interested in helping with these kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out!
Send @Metagross31, or @Minashigo Hiko a PM on the forum, or direct message via Discord (metagross31, minashigohiko).
We are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring towards your prize pool!
We hope you have a lot of fun with this event and are looking forward to seeing all your replays!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)
- added new cards Tectonic Shift and Lost Manabeast
- added random deck generator direct link to the header navigation (https://smj.cards/deck?random=true)
- updated rPvE and Passage to Darkness difficulties for community decks and adjusted the existing decks accordingly
- updated in-game name verification steps
- fixed typo in the filters (Affinity)
- fixed Witchclaws [B] affinity
Other card changes in the new patch will be updated at a later date.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by WindHunter in Patch #400045 - 27 January 2024
Patch #400045 - Revenant's Doom
Welcome to our newest patch. This update contains our eleventh balance patch for the game, two brand-new cards, a rework of the rPvE difficulty system, tutorial missions, and many other changes, enjoy!
Patch Preview
Two new cards are now available! Jump in-game to collect Tectonic Shift and Lost Manabeast. Added tutorial missions! New and old players alike can now receive rewards for simple missions meant to explain some of the harder to understand mechanics of BattleForge. A new rPvE difficulty and changes to the existing difficulty system to align it better with the campaign map difficulties. Our much anticipated Lost Souls rework, a large number of buffs to well-designed but underperforming cards, and a change to the neutral unit exclusion rule. A complete rework of the campaign reward system, with individualized upgrades, gold rewards overtime, and gold rewards on-loss.
General Changes
Pause, Speed-up, and Slow-down buttons have been added to the Forge. Standard difficulty has been removed for the 12p maps Passage of Darkness and Ascension. Achievements have been adjusted accordingly. The game will now remember the difficulty you selected for each map until you restart the game. Removed post-game message "Maximum rank achieved" for those players who are Master of the Forge rank in PvE. The post-game reward screen now always displays the player's current rank and experience earned. A description of the achievement completed has been added to achievement reward mail. Added previews when hovering over card and boosters rewards for achievements. The networking library used for the client has been updated. Linux users will now need Wine 7.13 or higher to play the game. The game should still work on Windows 7, but support has been discontinued. General Fixes
Improved user interface responsiveness. Longer gaming sessions were previously experiencing slowdowns. Resolved an issue that prevented free PvP decks from being cloned. Fixed a game crash related to map scripts, most commonly affecting the "Titans" map.
New Cards
Tectonic Shift - 50p T3 Stonekin Spell
You will find the upgrades for this card on the map "King of the Giants".
When thinking about Stonekin's design, we determined that more buildings interactions fit well with the faction. More specifically, we thought that a building-based archetype was the natural expansion for a faction of living stones. Tectonic Shift is a T3 spell that adds a teleport ability to friendly Stonekin, Frost, and Nature buildings. This teleportation ability functions highly similar to Phase Tower's ability as a permanent addition, similar to how Santa and Infernal Chain add new abilities to a unit. For more information, check out Community Update - September 2023.
Lost Manabeast - 120p T3 Lost Souls
You will find the upgrades for this card on the map "Titans".
As part of our Lost Souls rework, we wanted to add the well-known NPC unit Lost Manabeast to the faction. The player version of Lost Manabeast is a ranged unit, which collects the souls of its victims to reset the revenant timer of allied Lost Souls units. It is a perfect fit for those players wanted to engage in revenant-based gameplay. For more information, check out Community Update - December 2023.
Random PvE Difficulty Redesign
A major part of the upcoming update is the addition of a new random PvE difficulty between level 9 and level 10. The significant gap that exists between level 9 and level 10 is well known, and this new difficulty, often referred to as level 9.5, is meant to help players prepare themselves to make the jump into level 10. Alongside this new difficulty, we are also changing the naming scheme of the random PvE difficulties and removing difficulty levels 1 to 3, which are almost never played. We hope this new system will make it easier for players to understand what difficulty is right for their skill level.
[ New Difficulty Naming Scheme ]
Standard difficulty - Old level 4 Standard+ difficulty - Old level 5 Standard++ difficulty - Old level 6 Advanced difficulty - Old level 7 Advanced+ difficulty - Old level 8 Advanced++ difficulty - Old level 9 Expert difficulty - NEW level 9.5 Expert+ difficulty - Old level 10
Campaign Loot Rework
Anyone who plays PvE in Skylords Reborn knows that the most commonly played multiplayer game mode is random PvE. One part of this is due to the ease of matchmaking, you can go to the 4p area and join a random PvE game of any difficulty without needing to jump around the map checking lobbies, and the other part is due to rewards. In most cases, random PvE simply rewards the player better, unless you get lucky while looking for an expensive level 3 upgrade. While our upcoming improvements to campaign map matchmaking will have to wait for a future patch, we are now rectifying the reward discrepancy between the two modes.
[ Campaign Reward Changes ]
Campaign maps now reward gold over time. The total amount of gold rewarded has been substantially increased at all difficulty levels, even if players previously disenchanted all upgrades. Solo maps and multiplayer maps now give the same rewards. Campaign maps also reward players who lose a map part of the gold they would have obtained had they won. Standard maps reward 70%, advanced maps 40%, and expert maps 25% of the expected gold on-loss. Gold on-loss cannot be earned unless at least 5 minutes have passed in-game. The new Pick reward mode has replaced Random, Need/Greed, and Assign, which have been removed from the game. Upgrades are now decided on a per-player basis, with each player able to choose the upgrade(s) of their choice. Expert and advanced maps reward 1 upgrade, while standard maps reward 2 upgrades. In the future, players will have the ability to earn more upgrades per map completion under special circumstances. Disenchanting an upgrade now rewards the same gold regardless of the rarity of the upgrade, while also providing the player with PvE experience, depending on the level of the upgrade.
Tutorial Missions
Twenty-five new tutorial missions have been added to the game. These missions are designed to help new and old players alike to discover basic game features, as well as many of the new functionalities the Skylords Reborn team has added since the game's revival. Completing all 25 missions will reward players with 12 common cards, 8 uncommon cards, 1200 gold, and the new in-game title "Lyrish Scholar." These rewards are designed to help new players and function as a supplement to the existing starter decks. All missions are completable within an hour.
Tutorial Missions will be the new focus of attention when opening the rewards window, but focus will revert to quests once the missions are complete.
Kamelot liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official PvE Event #11: Amii Training Camp - UNTIL 10.01. 23:59 CET
Thanks to @Ultralord for the awesome stream yesterday! If you missed it, here is the YouTube link to it:
Also, these were the top players:
You want to know how you stacked up? Here is a list of all times:
Difficulty 6
Difficulty 5
Difficulty 4
Hope you had fun in the event, and see you in the Forge!
Kamelot liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official PvE Event #11: Amii Training Camp - UNTIL 10.01. 23:59 CET
The winners now also received their prizes.
Besides that, I asked Ultralord to scramble in the statistic, and to answer the questions from the stream:
* The fastest Shadow-start was @Serar, with a time of 14:33.
* The total number of Windweavers played in all games was 710.
Kamelot liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official PvE Event #11: Amii Training Camp - UNTIL 10.01. 23:59 CET
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